Chapter 3

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Aboard the Jolly Rodger, ice covered the deck. The pirates aboard were huddled around each other for warmth. Some busied themselves with sharpening their swords while others napped, like the ships first mate, Louis Tomlinson.

As Louis snored loudly, a parrot flew by, squawking in his ear. "LOUIS!"

Louis woke up, startled and angry, but noticed quickly why he was being awakened. The last surrounding the ship was starting to crack and melt. He quickly stood up and shuffled into the captain's quarters. The captain had his head resting on top of his desk, curly black hair ruffled from sleep.

"Captain," Louis started. "as I laid, wide-eyed, on my watch, I noticed it was winter on the ship, but the springtime on the shore! I says to meself, 'That can't be right, spring isn't due until 6pm."

Louis placed his pocket watch next to the captain, but just as he removed his hand, the captain swung down a sharp hook held tightly in his right hand and stabbed the clock, silencing the ticking.

"I was dreaming, Louis," the captain growled, looking up with a deadly stare, before dreamily adding. "about Luke."

"Luke, Captain?" Louis looked at him, questioningly.

"Yes," the captain nodded, lifting up his left arm to reveal his stump, making Louis cringe. "And in my dream, I thanked him for cutting off my hand. He helped me gain the authority that I would have never had given I still had my other hand." As the captain explained his dream, Louis helped him into the a special harness that covered the captain's stump.

"So Luke did you a favor, then?" Louis chuckled.

"A favor?" The captain asked, as he twirled his hook into the harness. "The boy sliced off my hand, fed it to the crocodile. Beast loved it so much, it follows me around, licking its chops for the rest of me." Once the hook clinked into place, the captain lunged at Louis, holding his book close to his face.

"Do you that a favor?!" The captain screamed.

"N-No sir." Louis shook his head, careful not to lean into the hook. The captain walked away, dipping his hands (well hand and hook) into a pot of steaming water.

"Why did you wake me, Louis?" The captain asked, annoyed.

"Captain," Louis warned. "The ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom!"

The captain spun around quickly, pointing his hook at Louis, smirking.

"He's back."
Luke landed on a cloud, just above Never Land, the other boys following after him. Luke whipped out his telescope and army crawled towards the edge of the cloud. He peeked over, zooming on Malik's ship. He felt the cloud dip next to him, and he turned to come face-to-face with Harry.

"Oh, it's just as we've dreamed it would be." Harry was elated, then pointed to the east side. "Oh, look, boys! There's Mermaid Lagoon!"

"By Jove!" Calum looked northwest. "And the Indian Encampment!"

"Oh, look!" Ashton pointed to a ship in the distance. "It's Captain Malik and the pirates!"

There was suddenly a cannonball shooting at them.

"Look out!" Luke warned the others.

They all got down just in time for the cannonball to shoot right past them.

"Quick, Perrie," Luke called his pixie. "Take the others to the island. I'll stay here and draw Malik's fire."

Perrie nodded, then flew the kids over to where the Lost Boys were.

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