Chapter one

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All this has happened before, and it will all happen again, but this time it happened in London. It happened in a fairly quiet house in Princess Park Manor. That middle apartment over there is the Styles family and Luke Hemmings chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him. There was Anne Twist.

Short haired brunette hummed softly as she fixed her hair. "Des, dear, do hurry." she said. "We mustn't be late to the party, you know."

Anne Twist believed that Luke Hemmings was the spirit of youth but Des Styles...

Des huffed as he continued to fix his hair in the mirror. "Anne, unless I find my cuff links we don't go to the party. And if we don't go to the party, I can never show my face in the office again... And if I can never show–" Des released a loud groan trying to get one lock of hair in place.

Well, Des Styles was a practical man. The boys, however, Calum and Ashton, believed Luke Hemmings was a real person and made him the hero of all their games.

"Blast you, Luke Hemmings!" Calum cried out, trying to hit Ashton with a lightsaber.

"Take that! Give up, Captain Malik? Give up?" Ashton yelled back trying to suppress his laughter as he blocked every attempt with his own lightsaber.

"Never! I'll teach you to cut off me hand!" Calum yelled out advancing on Ashton.

"Oh, no, Calum. It was his left hand." Harry laughed from his spot on the bed, enjoying the little show his younger brothers were putting on for him.

"Oh, yes. Thank you, Harry." Calum smiled and continued to battle Ashton, or who was currently Luke Hemmings.

Harry, the youngest in age, but oldest in maturity, not only believed, he was the supreme authority on Luke Hemmings and all his marvelous adventures...

"Take that!" Ashton lunged his lightsaber at Calum, who was currently Captain Malik.

"Insolent boy, I'll slash you to ribbons!" Calum yelled out in his faux british accent, whipping his futuristic sword about tying to catch faux Luke Hemmings off guard.

Harry walked out the door, only to find the family dog. "Oh, Nana... Must we always take that nasty tonic?"

Nana walked in, carrying the tonic on a tray with three spoons for the children who were to take it every night before bed.

"Careful Ashton, my glasses!" Calum warned, coming out of character to warn him of that.

"I'm sorry, Calum." Ashton apologized.

"Ah, you won't leave this ship alive!" Calum said as he got back into character.

Nana was cleaning up the room a little, despite being a dog, she was to be a nursemaid for the Styles children.

"Oh, yes, I will." Ashton said.

Nana had trouble making the beds, after she made one and went to move on, Calum and Ashton jumped on the bed, messing them up again.

Nana shook her head, then got the tonic bottle open and held it in her mouth to pour the globs of tonic into the spoons.

"Insolent pup!" Calum glared at Ashton.

Nana glared, taking slight offense to that.

"Black-hearted scoundrel!" Ashton glared back at Calum.

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