Chapter 8

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Louis took Perrie to Captain Malik's ship. Captain Malik played the piano as he welcomed the pixie, trying to seem like a gentleman.

Perrie looked doubtful, but shrugged, deciding to humor the crooked pirate man.

"You see, I admit defeat to Luke Hemmings." Captain Malik told them. "Tomorrow, I leave the island, never to return."

Perrie looked at the evil pirate captain out of surprise to hear that he would never return to Never Land. Louis mumbled, though he sounded rather drunk.

"And that's why I asked you over, me dear," Captain Malik told the pixie. "You tell Hemmings, I bear him no ill will. Oh, Hemmings had his faults, to be sure. Uh, bringing that Harry to the island, for instance."

Perrie poured and nodded sadly.

"Why, rumor has it that already he has come between you and Luke." Captain Malik said to the pixie.

Perrie sniffled and looked rather miserable.

"But what's this, tears?" Captain Malik said. "Then it is true!"

"Oh, Louis," Captain Malik continued to guilt trip Perrie. "The way of a man with a maid. Taking the best years of her life and then casting her aside like an old glove!"

"Ain't it a bloomin' shame?" Louis started to cry.

"But we mustn't judge Luke too harshly, me dear," Captain Malik soothed. "It's that Harry who's to blame."

"Indeed." Louis said.

"Sail! That's it, Louis!" Zayn then exclaimed like he had an idea. "We'll shanghai Harry!"

"Shanghai Harry, Captain?" Louis asked, getting his bottle stuck on his finger.

"Take him to see with us," Zayn continued. "With him gone, Luke will soon forget this mad infatuation and it might convince Luke to come to his senses and go back to his old best friend! Come, Louis, we must leave immediately. Surround Luke's home—"

"But Captain, we don't know where Luke Hemmings lives." Louis replied.

This caused for the evil pirate captain to stop in his tracks now just remembering that. "Great Scott, you're right, Louis!"

Perrie grew animated suddenly.

"What's that, my dear?" Captain Malik smiled to the pixie. "You could show us the way? Why, I never thought of that!" He then leaned next to his minion. "Take this down, Louis."

"Take this down, Louis..." Louis did the same, before realizing he had to write down directions to Luke Hemmings' hideout.

Perrie put ink on her shoes and started to walk around it to give directions on Captain Malik's map to reveal Luke Hemmings' hideout.

Captain Malik began to repeat of what Perrie was telling them. Louis jotted this all down on paper with a quill to take note. Captain Malik got nervous when he saw they had to hop and skip across Crocodile Creek. Perrie was then getting closer, but went slow for anticipation.

"WELL, GET ON WITH IT!" Captain Malik slammed his fist down from impatience, but returned his gentle smile to keep up appearance. "Continue, my dear..."

"You must promise to not harm Luke!" Perrie told Captain Malik in pixie language.

"I mustn't harm Luke?" Captain Malik repeated. "Madame, Captain Malik given his word, not to lay a finger— or a hook... On Luke Hemmings." Captain Malik then added with a small smile.

Perrie nodded to him, then marked an X to where the hideout was.

"That's where the hideout is." Perrie said in pixie/fairy language.

"Ah, Hangman's Tree," Captain Malik grinned darkly. "So that's where the entrance to his hiding place..." he then grabbed Perrie in his hand and decided to trap her, dropping his nice guy act, revealing it all just a trick. "Thank you, me dear. You've been most helpful."

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