Chapter 10

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After the present was delivered, Captain Malik and Louis followed the other pirates to the ship with their hostages.

A little while later, the pirates started to sing as they had their victims all tied up to introduce Captain Malik. Harry, his brothers, and the Lost Boys were tied up at a mast.

Louis danced along with the other pirates. Captain Malik found it annoying, so he knocked Louis out on the head, then looked to his victims. He started to tell them the pros about what would happen if they joined his crew but then told them the cons if they didn't join his crew. The con was mostly about if they didn't agree to go into the crew, that they would be forced to walk the plank. The choice was up to them.

Captain Malik sat at a desk and had a contract and quill ready. One of the crew members cut them free, allowing the boys to run off to sign the contract.

"Boys!" Harry called. "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?"

"But Captain Malik is not insistent, Harry." Calum explained.

"Yeah, he says we'll walk the plank if we don't," the rabbit reminded.

"Oh, no he won't, Luke Hemmings will save us." Harry smiled.

"Luke Hemmings will save them," Captain Malik laughed at what Harry said and like it was a joke. "Did you hear that, Louis?"

Louis laughed with him. This was confusing for Harry because they were laughing about Luke Hemmings going to save the kids.

"But a thousand pardon, my dear," Captain Malik said to Harry. "I don't believe you are in on our little joke. You see, we left a present for Luke. Soft of a surprise package, you might say. Why, I can see our little friend at this very moment, reading the tender inscription..."

"I'm a man of my word..." Captain Malik said. "Could he but see within the package, he would find an ingenious little device."

"Set, so when the clock is like this..." Louis added as he made his hands look like a clock reading '6:00'.

"Luke Hemmings will be blasted out of Never Land forever." Captain Malik finished.

"But time grows short," Captain Malik took out his watch as if it was getting closer to 6:00 as he counted down. "We have but eighteen seconds... fifteen seconds... thirteen seconds... twelve seconds..."

"I have to save him!" Perrie said on her language.

Meanwhile, Luke was waiting anxiously for it to be 6:00.

"Well, I guess I can open it now..." Luke shrugged, then started to undo the ribbon to open his surprise present.

Perrie flew down to the hideout at rocket speed.

"Oh, hi, Pez," Luke smiled, showing the present. "Look at what Harry got me!"

Perrie tried to pull the present away.

"Luke, that's not from Harry; it's from Captain Malik and it's not a present, it's a bomb!" Perrie told him in pixie language.

"A bomb!?" Luke asked.

"Yes, from Captain Malik!" Perrie added urgently in pixie language.

Luke snorted. "Don't be ridiculous..." he then attempted to open his present, but there seemed to be smoke rising from the inside of it.

The clock rang as soon as the time hit and there was a huge explosion. The explosion was so big that everyone on the ship thought that Luke had died.

"And so passeth, a worthy opponent..." Captain Malik said, removing his hat for respect.

"Amen." Louis added.

Meanwhile, the hideout had been reduced to rubble.

"Malik... It was a bomb!" Luke felt stupid right now. "I'd it hadn't been for Perrie..." he then gasped. "Perrie!"

"Pez?" Luke called. "Perrie!"

He saw a flickering light and heard a jingling bell, telling him that Perrie was still alive.

"Pez, are you all right?" Luke asked his pixie friend.

Perrie weakly responded, but she was still okay.

"Pez, don't go out!" Luke called to his oldest friend. "You mean more to me than anything else in this world!"

"Come on, I know a way out!" Luke said as he held Perrie in his hands.

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