Chapter 7

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The Chief released the Lost Boys, Calum and Ashton once the princess was returned and it was more pitch black out as it got quite late in Never Land. The chief also requested Luke to have a word with them about saving Princess Sadie. And where Luke didn't object to this and simply came over to the chief.

"How." The chief greeted.

"How." Luke said back.

The Chief then did some hand movements.

"What's he doing?" Ashton wondered.

"That's sign language." Calum recognized.

"What's he saying?" Harry asked.

"He's saying 'Luke Hemmings, mighty worrier'," Calum began to translate. "'Save Sadie and make Chief heap glad.'"

"Well, he certainly doesn't look 'heap glad.'" Harry commented.

"Make Luke Hemmings heap big Chief," the chief congratulated Luke first. "You are now 'Little Flying Eagle'"

With that, Luke was given Indian headdresses in their honor.

Luke nodded thanks before doing his own Indian cry and a victory flight lap. The Lost Boys bowed to Luke in response.

Luke sat with the chief and Sadie as they passed the smoke peace pipe around for tradition.

"Teach 'em paleface brothers all about red man." The chief told his people about Luke.

"Uh, what makes the red man red?" Asher wondered.

"When did he first say 'ugh'?" The raccoon twins asked.

"Why does he ask you 'how'?" Ashton queried.

"Why does he ask you 'How'?" The chief repeated with a smirk.

The other Indians pounded their drums, giving Indian chants and started to sing an ancient chorus of their ways to welcome and make peace with Luke Hemmings and his Lost Boys. The boys decided to go off and dance.

Harry was about to join and he was suddenly stopped.

"Squaw no dance," an Indian woman glared at the boy. "Squaw, get 'em firewood!"

Harry frowned at the woman, but went to do as he said. It was a great party so far. Sadie danced on a drum in front of Luke in an attempt to impress him. And where they were indeed impressed by the Indian princess's dancing skills as she was getting closer to him. Harry was about to come over with a smile, but he instantly frowned and felt a little different. Sadie's nose kissed Luke. Luke turned red as his hair, then hopped up and did another Indian call.

From outside of the Indian campsite, Perrie sat on the blade of grass. Suddenly, someone grabbed Perrie and she wiggled and demanded to be let out.

"Sorry about this, miss Edwards." Louis said as he brought the pixie with him back to the ship. "But Captain Malik would like a word with you."

"Wahoo!" Calum cheered as he became more loose and fancy free at this affair.

"Calum!" Harry gasped at his usually stickler brother.

"Squaw, take 'em papoose." Ashton handed his teddy bear to his brother before going off, acting like a savage.

"Ashton!" Harry gasped at his other brother.

"Squaw get 'em firewood." The Indian woman told him once again.

Harry glared at the Indian woman, having enough of this adventure nonsense. "Squaw No get firewood. Squaw go home!" He then walked off, gripping Ashton's teddy bear on the way.

The others kept celebrating and having the time of their lives.

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