Chapter 9

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Meanwhile, the Lost Boys, Styles children, and Luke were returning to the Lost Boy camp as they sang the Indian's song after the fun night they all shared together.

Harry was sitting on a bed, waiting for his brothers to come back, he seemed rather impatient and unhappy with this adventure he had been forced to become apart of. The moment the Lost Boys, his brothers arrived, he knew that Luke would come in soon.

"Big Chief Flying Eagle greet their braves." Luke said, putting his hand up. "How."

The Lost Boys, Calum, and Ashton bowed to their chief like true Indian. The only one not acting like an Indian was Harry.

"Big Chief greet Little Mother," Luke came to Harry's side with a cocky smile. "How."

Harry glanced at him and turned away, really fed up right now. "Ugh."

"Harry, is that all you have to say?" Luke frowned.

"Ever since you left the party, you haven't spoken a word. Did I do something wrong?" Luke asked. "Everyone else thinks I'm wonderful." He said boastfully.

"Especially Sadie." Harry grumbled.

"Sadie?" Luke asked. This was confusing to him, what did Sadie have to do with this?

"Calum! Ashton!" Harry called to his brothers who were off still acting like a couple of Indians. "Take off that war paint and get ready for bed."

"Bed?" Calum frowned.

"Brave no sleep." Ashton replied. "Go for days without sleeping."

"But we're going home in the morning." Harry told his brothers.

"Home?" The younger boys asked.

"Oh, Harry, we don't want to go home." Ashton said to his big brother.

"But we have to." Harry reminded them.

"Why?" Ashton asked.

"No go home," Luke demanded. "Stay many moons, have a heap big time."

"Now, Luke, let's stop pretending and be practical." Harry told the elf boy.

"Chief Flying Eagle has spoken." Luke ignored him.

"Oh, please," Harry tried to grow sensible. "Do you want to stay here and grow up like... Like savages?"

"Of course." Ashton smiled at the idea.

"But, you can't, you need a mother." Harry said, then started to feel instantly homesick. "We all do..."

"What's a mother?" Ashton asked.

"Oh, surely you haven't forgotten our mother..." Harry was surprised at him.

"Does she have silky ears and a fur coat?" Ashton asked.

"No, that's Nana." Harry said.

"I think I have a mother once..." Asher said as he had tied the raccoon twins.

"What was she like?" One lost boy asked.

"I forget..." Asher frowned.

"I had a white rat." The fox spoke up.

"THAT'S NOT A MOTHER!" Asher snapped at him as the other lost boys started to fight each other.

"No, no, boys, please," Harry soothed then. "I'll tell you what a mother is."

The boys stopped and instantly rushed over, anxious to hear what Harry had to say.

"Tell us, Harry!" The skunk crawled onto his lap.

"Well, a mother, a real mother is the most wonderful person in the world," Harry explained as he started to miss his very own. "She's the angel voice that bids you goodnight, kisses your cheek, whispers, 'Sleep tight'..."


Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine
The helping hand that guides you along
Whether you're right, whether you're wrong
Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine

What makes mothers all that they are?
Might as well ask "What makes a star?"
Ask your heart to tell you her worth,
Your heart will say "Heaven on earth" another word for divine
Your mother and mine

Another word for divine
Your mother and mine

"I wanna see my mother..." Ashton sniffled as he clung to his older brother.

"I suppose we leave home at once." Calum proposed.

The Lost Boys then asked if they could come too, but they weren't sure about coming back to society to grow up.

The Lost Boys looked at each other, they did miss having mothers, but they did not want to grow up.

"Can we think about it?" The rabbit asked.

"Of course..." Harry nodded to them. "Uh, that is, if Luke doesn't mind."

"Go on!" Luke sounded betrayed. "Go back and grow up! But I'm warning ya. Once you've grown up, you can never come back! Never!" He then stormed off to his room.

"Oh dear..." Harry frowned at Luke's fowl mood.

"Well, men, shall we be off?" Calum asked the others.

The boys then got ready to head out. The Lost Boys were going to come along as well for this.

"They'll be back..." Luke shrugged, lying on his hammock and decided to play his music.

Harry wanted to see if Luke was going to come along. "Luke?"

The panpipes kept playing and Luke did not leave his room.

Harry sighed and was on his way upstairs with the others. "Goodbye, Luke..." Then continued his way up the stairs to catch up with the rest.

However, there was an unpleasant surprise. The Lost Boys and his brothers had been bounded and gagged by pirates. Harry was about to scream out for help, but another pirate came behind him and cupped his mouth with his hand.

"All right, men," Captain Malik commanded. "Take them away."

The pirate men walked off with Harry, his brothers and the Lost Boys. Captain Malik then appeared to be lowering a gift wrapped box into Luke Hemmings' hideout. And where the present would be one that Luke would never ever forget. After the present was delivered, Captain Malik and Louis followed the other pirates to the ship with their hostages.

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