Cuapter 12

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"Hooray for Captain Hemmings!" The Lost Boys cheered.

Luke walked to the others as he bowed like a gentleman to the others as he had defeated Captain Malik.

"All right, you swabs! Aloft with ya! We're castin' off! Heave those halyards!" Luke says.

"But-but, Peter–" Harry said before he corrected himself. "oh, that is, Captain Hemmings."

"At your service, sir." Luke said as he bowed.

"Could you tell me sir, where we're sailing?" Harry asked.

"To London, sir." Luke replied.

"Oh Luke!" Harry said. "Calum! Ashton!" He said as he called for his brothers. "We're going home!"

"Man the capstan!" Luke said. "Hoist anchor! Pixie dust!" He caller to Perrie to make the ship fly in the air to London.

And where Perrie soon used her pixie dust to make the ship fly. They were now going through the sky as they were on their way back to the Styles house.

Back at the Styles house, it was after 11:00 as Des and Anne were finally coming back home after their big evening. And they were now going upstairs to check on their children.

"Des, I'm so glad that you've changed your mind about Harry," Anne said as they were on their way up. "After all, he's still a child."

"Pshaw, Anne. You know I never mean those things. Do I, Nana?" Des asked their dog Nana.

Anne opened the door and gasped once she saw Harry wasn't in his bed, but then looked by the window to see Harry was actually right there. "Harry, what on earth are you doing there?"

"Hm?" Harry woke up, then smiled to Anne and ran to her with a hug. "Oh, Mother, we're back!"

"Back?" Des asked.

"All except for the Lost Boys," Harry then said. "They weren't ready yet."

"Ready?" Des asked.

"To grow up. That's why they went back to Never Land." Harry said.

"Never Land?" Des asked as Nana nuzzled against Ashton, glad that he was safe and sound.

"Yes, but I am." Harry then said.

"Am?" Des was obviously too tired.

"Ready to grow up." Harry smiled.

"Oh, oh! Well, my dear, all in good time. After all, perhaps we were–" Des said as he patted Harry's head but Harry went over to his mother.

"Oh, but Mother, it was such a wonderful adventure," Harry beamed as Nana helped tuck in the others.

"too–" Des said.

"Perrie and the mermaids and Luke Hemmings! He was the most wonderful of them all! Why we were even kidnapped—"

"Kidnapped?" Des asked.

"Mm-hmm," Harry nodded before continuing on. "I knew Luke Hemmings would save us and he did, and we called him a codfish! Oh, um, Captain Malik, I mean..."

"Anne, I'm going to bed..." Des gave up, he dealt with enough for one day and walked off with a very exhausted yawn.

"Oh mother, he really is wonderful, isn't he? See how well he sails the ship?" Harry asks as he looks out the window.

Anne was about to close the window until she saw something unusual. "Des... Des!"

"Oh, what now, Anne?" Des sighed until he looked out the window with them and saw a ship flying across the moon. "Nana... Did you see?" He asks and Nana barks.

"You know, I have the strangest feeling that I've seen that ship before, a long time ago when I was very young." Des seemed to smile at the sight.

"Oh, Des." Anne smiled.

"Father..." Harry hugged his father.

They all looked out the window to watch the ship cloud pass by as they all felt very safe and sound together as they thought about the second star to the right and straight on till morning.

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