The liquor can't quench everything

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" What do you wanna get " i asked kayla " should we get some fruits ,oooouh and snacks too " she said " okay bet I'll get the snacks you get the fruits" i said as i pulled out a trolley " do we really need that much " she asked eyeing the trolley" would you rather i take the basket ?" I asked raising a brow " fruits you said " she said walking away .
I walked around putting random things in my basket . It was mostly oreos because i knew someone who is obsessed with them . Before i knew it my feet were leading me towards the liquor area . " Can i have the whiskey please and the jack daniels add some gin oouh and dome singleton please " i said taking two of each and walking out .
It didn't take long to find kayla she still standing by the fruits " what you doing ?" I asked after i picked a few bags of chips "i just can't decide whether to take the pineapple or the grapes " she said looking all serious " just take both " i said putting them in the trolley " let's go get cake " i said pulling her towards the bakery " you love cake too much " she said " don't worry i love you a little bit more " i said . We picked the cake and went to pay . There weren't a lot of people so it wasn't a long wait .
The cashier was a blonde who kept looking at kayla a little too much . "Are you gonna ring us up anytime soon ?" I asked i was really impatient" ooouh yeah sorry " the blondy said . She started ringing us up and as soon as she got to the liquor kayla started looking at me " you said you'd slow down " she said * i am " i said handing the cashier my card. " Thanks blondie " i said taking our bags . "You promised you'd slow down " she said " and i am kayla i only bought two bottles each I reduced by one is that not enough" i asked " I'm just trying ....," I couldn't deal with this " stop trying, please just stop trying " i said looking at her " okay fine " she said . " Let's get take out and go home " i said walking towards kfc " okay let's get two family buckets " kayla said .we got our chicken and left ," can you drive today ?" I asked " bet "

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