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Ravens pov
" Kayla you need a ride ?" I yelled standing by the front door " yeah I'm almost done " she yelled back " this is why we are glad you guys have an apartment, y'all be so loud in the morning" milkah said ." I know you miss us well some more than others " I said with a smirk ." Get away from me " milkah said pushing my  face away and i laughed at her reaction she was so fucking adorable, " you know you love me " i said hugging her from behind and staying there fully content until she said " you planning on letting me go anytime soon " and the mood was destroyed ." Oh my don't stop because of me * mario said walking into the room " hey love " he said leaving a peck on my cheek "hey cutie " he said doing the same to milkah " i told you to stop calling me that both of you " she said glaring " oh darling but you are adorable" i said touching her cheek " don't " she said " are you blushing?" Mario asked excited" fuck off" she said " come on .. " " both of you" she cut me off walking out if the kitchen with coffee in her hand. " When the fuck did she make that ?" I asked myself
" I'm ready " kayla said entering the kitchen " awee you made me coffee " she said smiling and taking the coffee on the counter " does it have alcohol in it ? " She asked " give it here I'll drink it of you don't want to " mario said going to grab the cup " okay I'll drink it " i said taking a sip " oh my God that is good " kayla said humming at the taste " yeah?" I asked " yeah like really good "she added " okay time to go yeh " mario said heading towards the door .
" Let's go with my car " mario said running to his car and jumping into the drivers sit " he's a child " i said as kayla laughed at it ." I heard that "mario said showing me his middle finger as we got to his car " so do you like them ?" I asked kayla " i think so " she said not hesitating at all " you need to be careful love " mario said from the drivers sit " why do i have to be careful?"she asked her voice raising a little "you know what we mean kayla " i said holding her hand lightly "They're not like the others they might be my mates even " she said "what makes you say that? " Mario asked " I don't know, there is something about them that my body just reacts to , it's like i want to be with them all the time if that makes sense i just know when I'm with them i don't have to second guess myself and i like that ," she said with tears in her eyes " it's like the way you both are with each other you feel safe with each other that's why you allow yourself to get drunk when you're with each other , they make me feel safe " she added" but me and mario aren't mates you know that right " i said " i know you just look happy when you're together " she said making both me and mario laugh "
" Okay fine you can be with them or whatever but you don't tell them anything about the pack deal ?" I asked " yes ma'am " she said smiling" good girl " mario said parking the car and turning to tap her head " stop that , i spent half an hour doing my hair " she said " girl you just oiled you hair and combed it out ." I said " says you you don't even look after hair i wonder how you're not bald yet " she said getting of the car and running before i could say anything " is it that bad ?"i asked mario getting off the car and looking through the side mirror " nah boo it looks awesome ,i love your hair " he added ."gotta go to class catch you later yeh" i said walking off " cool " mario said as we our different ways .
" Hey raven , you n ow how me and you have been friends for a really really really long time .." jas tried saying before i cut her off " what do you want Jas?" I asked " can you help me ask for ms amaya's number or line or chat or instagram ,anything ,please?" She said looking st me with pleading eyes " wow finally decided to make a move but still cowering " i said " that is not what.." "morning class " ms amaya walked in " good morning ms amaya " the class responded ." We pick up where we left off...." Ms amaya went on teaching for and gave an assignment before the lecture ended " that is all for today if you have any consultation see me in my office okay " she finished and went on saying good bye " come on," i said holding jas' hand " ms amaya ?" I called " yes Raven and jasmine " she said and the way jas' name rolled of her tongue was different " so Jas here had some problems that she would like your help with and was wondering if there was a way she could contact you" i said tapping jas on her back " so Jas wants my number but asked you to het it for her " well not really, she just ...," can i please have your number " Jas said holding out her phone before amaya with both her hands shaking slightly " sure jasmine why not " amaya said taking it and typing her number " here she said handing jas her phone back.
" Hey Raven let's bounce I've been for you " mario said 'ooouh hey Mario " amaya said " hey maya " mario said approaching us and taking my hand " allow me to get her off your way " he said dragging me away
Jas pov
I dialed ms amaya number and heard her phone buzzing from her pocket and watched her take it out and she showed me it was ringing " I'll save it then " i said " okay i will too " she said typing in her phone " how did you save my number ?" I asked " ms jasmine of course" she said " ooouh ' i said trying to hide the disappointment in my face " what's wrong do you not like it " she asked as she walked closer to me " no " i said without thinking much " how do you want me to save it ? Jasmine , jas ..," she asked " i don't mind " i said as she lifted my chin as i was looking at the floor " or do you prefer mine " she asked as oir faces were only inches apart . I sudden couldn't breath , my heart rate went bombastic and i was wondering if she could here it too " breath "she said " and i took a gulp of air i seriously needed" i think you like that one " she said typing it on her phone and showing it to me " is that okay with you ? ". " Yeah " i ssid smiling " so apart from smelling nice you have a pretty smile too " she said making me drop my smile at the unexpected compliment " thank you "i asked more than said " sure , have to go get ready for another lecture she said turning to pock her laptop and books " are you free friday night " i blurted out " depends " she said " do you wanna have dinner with me " i asked biting on my lip " ask while looking me in the eyes and i might have an answer " she said " I can't, it's too much " she said " what's too much " she asked raising my head again " the will to say yes everytime i look in your eyes " i said without thinking staring into her eyes but looked away immediately " look at me and ask me " she said with finality " will you have dinner with me on friday ?" I asked looking into her eyes " yes i will " she answered smiling " text me the details" she said walking off . I waited until she was out of dite and did my little dance and said like a hundred yes'

How do we feel about jas and amaya

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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