Chapter 5

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Wakko stared at her like he tought she knew. "How you don't know? The-". But y/n covered his mouth, "We better ask, ok?". He nodded, his mouth still covered. Y/n removed her hand and looked at tbe man. "So...Mr. Einstein, how can we help?". Einstein sighed, "Oh, kids, there is nothing you can do...".

"Of course we can! We-". "Wakko, don't", she said, "Ok, what's your problem?". "I don't think you'll old are you?". "Old enough to understand physics", she said. "No, y/n, don't-". "Wakko, be patient. So, what do you find trouble solving?". Einstein gave it a tought, then finaly gave in, "The theory of relativity".

Y/n face twisted into a smile, "That sounds interesting, right Wakko?". Wakko made a pouty face, "Just don't make it boring". "That...isn't so possible", she said. Wakko ran into the house, and soon could be heard making a lot of noise. "Oh no...", said Einstein. Y/n ran into the house as well and stopped. He had basicaly set the whole construction of the theory.

Einstein came after her and watched in confusion. "So you're suggesting...", y/n started. "Isn't this more fun?", asked Wakko, smiling at them. "I guess you have a point", she said, feeling defeated. So for the next hour or so, the three of them were examining the construction. It seemed hard to solve the problem only by looking at it's layout. Bad idea she even offered help, she tought. Coming here from school, her head already started aching.

Y/n lifted her head up and saw Wakko smiling at her. Again. When was he going to stop? She got up and went to see the rest of the house. Hm, a bedroom, a looked beautiful. She could live here if she was born in the 19th century. It was calm, quiet, and no one- "I can't do this! I just can't!". Y/n went back and saw Einstein giving up on examining the problem. "Oh, how I failed! No, I'm a dummy. Stupid Einstein the dummy", he said, sitting down at his desk and burying his face in his hands.

Y/n walked over to Wakko, "What's up with him?". "No idea", he said, shaking his head, "But...I guess we'll have to do this the other way". She scoffed, "Don't tell me you're going to-". "Yes". Y/n looked around, the white haired man still sat there, and the black board was empty. What other choice did they have? He looked elder, anyway. Even if he wasn't, he also looked sad, which he surely was, so why not cheer him up?

She sighed in defeat and went to the desk, standing next to Einstein. "There", she said, "What do I say? Action?". Wakko chuckled, "We're not filming, you know". "Yeah, whatever", she said, "Ready, steady, go!". And with that, Wakko leaped over to the desk and started singing. Why did he have to stand there while singing? It was becoming annoying how they always had to have that non verbal communication or whatever that was.

Y/n soon found out the tune was called the acme song. What was that supposed to mean? A short for what? An institution maybe? She had no idea. Then he got to the board and started writting the word in capital letters. "That's the part my brother used to sing", he said, "Now backwards!". Oh. Wait a second. Acme spelled backwards was emca. Like Y.M.C.A but it was an e instead of a y. Which meant...

"Someone should tell me my a always looks like a two", said Wakko at the end. Suddenly, Einstein's eyes widened and he went to the board, while Wakko quickly ran to the desk and stood beside y/n. Then Einstein wrote an equality mark between the e and the m, and there it was. "That's it!", he said, delighted, "The theory of relativity! E equals mc squeared! Energy equals the mass times the speed of lightning in the vacum sqeared! You two are geniuses!". Then he repeated the firmula like three times.

"Should we go back now?", y/n looked at Wakko. "Why?", he asked, "Don't you want to get the Nobel prize?".

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