Chapter 6

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No. She had come back to reality. After receiving the Nobel prize, as Wakko had told her would happen, they returmed to the present, to here and now. Only then had the reality hit her. Everything that was happening to her came flooding back. Just like the day she first met him, y/n ran off.

Wakko stared after her, wondering why she would just run off like that again. She hadn't showed any sign of having a bad time. Then what? Maybe she remembered something important. Or she was afraid of what her parents woild say. Whatever it was, he decided to help her the next day.

It was just so overwhelming. Like something weighted down on her heart. She wasn't prepared for a reaction like this. It came to her like a big blow up. She came home, her heart pounding, amd trew herself on the bed once more, tears falling from her eyes. What was happening? It wasn't like she regretted anything.

Still, it was strange...she actually liked spending time there and didn't want to go back. Well, she had said it was to clear her mind and all, but...why such a reaction? It probably hit her a little too hard. Eventualy, she cried herself to sleep again. Woke up to do homework. Couldn't sleep that night. Only to feel sluggish due to a lack of sleep and not be able to pay attention at school.

As she wss slowly walking home down the same route she took every day, a hand tugged at her arm, "Hey". Y/n immediately recognised the voice. Her heart started pounding in worry as she looked down at the little toon. She didn't want to see him, still embarresed for running off again. "Hi", she said dryly. Could it go like this any longer? Her not telling him the truth?

"Are you ok?". No, she just couldn't tell him. Not yet. Y/n started walking again. "Hey, is something wrong?", asked Wakko, catching up with her. "We need to sit down", she said, "Then we can talk". So they came to a park near the movie lot and sat down on a bench. "You look stressed", he said. "I am", she said, "Once you allow yourself a little free time, everything goes downhill".

"It doesn't have to be that way", said Wakko, "Sometimes you need to give it a break. Have you ever wondered how much time you spend doing schoolwork and homework and worrying?". Y/n snapped her head towards him, her teeth clenched and her heart feeling like it was giving out. What was happening to her again? "A-almost the whole day", she stuttered, tears making their way from her gut to her eyes.

She walked over to a nearby tree, not wanting to embarras herself in front of him. There was a door in the tree she had seen many times and always wondered what it was. So she came to it and knocked. A grey sqierrel opened, looking annoyed. "What do you want-", she started, but y/n had already ran inside, finding a far end in the corner and curling up there, making sure no one was watching, then broke down. Repeatedly.

"Aunt Slappy! There's a girl in our house, she looks sad". Y/n lifted her head up a little to see a smaller, brown squierrel calling who she considered was the grey squerrel. Wait a minute...these two could actually talk? "Wait, lemme check somethin' ", said the grey sqierrel y/n now knew as Slappy. She went to the window and looked outside.

"Hey, Skippy! Come over here!". The little brown squierrel ran up to the window. "Hey, look!', he said, "It's Wakko!". Y/n hung her head back down and curled up even more. Well ok, it was normal for this to happen, for him to go over and comfort her, but...she just didn't want that. Even though she needed it. She was trapped.

Y/n got up and exited the house, walking past Wakko and sitting back on the bench. He came after her and sat next to her, waiting for her to calm down. "Do you want to go visit the sixteenth chapel?", he asked her afterwards. Y/n looked at him in confusion, "And what are we going to do there?". He sighed, "Paint naked people on the ceiling. Yeah, I know it sounds awful". "Then we better not", she said.

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