Chapter 15

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"Y/n...y/n wake up, you gotta go to school", her mother gently shoock her. Y/n groaned, "Mom...I'm tired, I can't". "Ah sweetie...", she sighed, "What did you do yesterday? You were doing your homework when I came home, how did you get so tired?".

"I can't tell you mom...", y/n breathed. "Oh, so now you're hiding something?", she  frowned. "It's nothing dangerous", said y/n, "Nothing bad. It's won't understand. But can you please let me rest today?". "Uh...ok, if you really feel like it", she smiled. "Thank you mom", said y/n.

As soon as her mother closed the door, tears filled her eyes and she buried her face in her pillow, crying herself to sleep once again. This was her second fall back to reality. The second time she felt like having a good time. Worse, she liked it even more this time. She was scared of everything she did the previous day. Smiling, laughing, even her heartbeat. As she cried there, y/n shoock with fear she couldn't control.

"Shh...calm down, aren't you going out this afternoon again?". Y/n opened her eyes and saw her mother smiling at her. She shot her a death glare, "Was I...was I really crying all this time?". "Well I found you like that", she said. "That doesn't mean you can tease me", said y/n. "Ok", her mother accepted and left. Y/n had stopped ctying, but her muscles still hurt from it, since she cried in her sleep. So she fell back asleep, to recover.

Y/n was woken up by someone knocking on her window. She slowly lifted her head up and opened it when there... " How did you sleep?". Her heart literaly stopped. "Wakko...what're you- how did you-". She felt such pressure at that moment, she fell back and stared at him in embarrasment. "You ready to go?", he asked with a smile. "Wait", she said, "Let me change". She got up and got dressed. "I'm leaving now!", she told her mom before opening the door and going out. Wakko waited for her there so she came to him and they started walking.

"So, today we're going to...a deserted island", he announced. "W-where?", she gasped. "Don't worry", he said, "We won't be there for too long". Soon they came to the beach again. "And how are we going to get there from here?", she was confused. Wakko didn't respond. He just let out a loud whistle and somehow, a whale swam to the shore. "Come on!", he said, taking her hand and running towards the whale.

At the same time, y/n was trembling and had a huge smile on her face. Never had she ever tought she'd be into adventures. And here she was, surfing on a whale, gripping Wakko's hand and admiring the blue sky and sea around them. It didn't last for too long though, because they already arrived. They jumped off of the whale and waved it goodbye. Then Wakko lead y/n to the middle of the beach and spread a towel across the sand.

"So we're just going to sit here and do nothing?", she asked. "And what do you want to do?", he asked, both of them sitting down across from eachother. "I don't know...", she sighed, "I didn't go to school today". "May I ask why?", he politely questioned. Y/n stared at him as though the answer was obvious. She didn't want to tell him. Didn't want to accept what she was feeling. However, she had to, because she was already one step in this mess she had got herself into. 

So she took one more deep breath and started, "I...had so much fun yesterday...and...when I woke up this morning, my muscles hurt...anyway thank you". Wakko stared back at her in desbelief. Could he get any happier? Wait. Was this actually how he really felt...? He was still a little afraid and hasitant about it. But if he had made her happy, it was worth it. His face then broke into a huge smile at the tought and he just stared at her looking around.

The island was all beach and a small jungle in the middle. It all looked so peacful and beautiful. The yellow of the beach, dark blue of the sea and light blue of the sky matched perfectly. The sun beamed down on them as though it was summer. They could basicaly get lost in the view of the open sea in front of them. Which y/n did, while thinking about it being one giant blue blanket covering her up every time she swam. Or perhaps the blue that surrounded them the previous day on the map, every time she went diving.

Then she looked back at him and realised...he wasn't thinking the same. By the way he stared at her, he was probably thinking about being with her there in the sea...hugging her even... She shoock her head at the tought, shivering slightly. And suddenly, both of them caught themselves admiring eachother in the scenery, thinking how good it fitted them as a frame. Suddenly, even though only for a brief monent, she tought about taking a picture of him there and keeping it as a fond memory...

Until Wakko couldn't do it anymore. He crawled over to her and kissed her. And somehow, he felt relieved because of it. Like he had finaly done it, had finaly approached her. Well it wasn't that much of a kiss as it was a soft press, for the reason that their lips were barely brushing. While it was nothing special, y/n felt it instantly and something pierced trough her so she broke away quite quickly. It felt like someone injecting her, like a hidden pain returning to the surface.

"Sorry. Couldn't help it", he apologized, looking at her now hung down face, still smiling. And frowned. Once he realised how big of a mistake it was to do what he had just done. "Hey, I- I'm really sorry- I didn't mean to do it", he said, taking her hand and trying to get a better view of her face. "'s ok, don't worry", she said, lifting her head up a little. That's when he saw it. The little slight smile she was trying to hide.

"Don't be afraid to smile", he said, "I do that all the time". "You. Are. Happy", she hissed. He backed away slightly. It was true. No matter how much he wanted to make things easier for her in life, he couldn't. And it hurt him, annoyed him even more, but most of all, the less he could help her, the stronger his ambition to do so grew. "Ok, I guess we better get out of here", he said in the end.  

As soon as he whistled once again to call the whale, y/n jumped up to her feet and waited. This time though, she stood on the whale without any help, and Wakko had to grab her hand every now and then to keep her from falling. "Can I stay at your place? Like a sleepover?", he asked as they were walking home. She honestly didn't know how to respond to that. After everything that had happened that day? Maybe that was the point. "I...yeah, sure", she replied.

That night, while she was laying in bed, she couldn't stop the sworm of butterflies in her stomach as the events of the day flew trough her mind, especialy the fact that he was actualy staying at her place. No matter how much she wanted to avoid it, her heart skipped a beat every time the memory of that kiss flashed trough her mind, but at the same time, she felt pain.

I think...I might be in love again... Wait, what?

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