Chapter 14

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When they met up the next day at the entrance of the lot, she couldn't look at him. For her, too much had happened already. All she wanted to do now was avoid him. Except, there was something she wanted to tell him.

"You know...all these little awkward moments we makes me want to tell you to leave me alone". Wakko couldn't help but let out a small gasp when he heard that. Not like he didn't understand, it was just...he didn't know. He wasn't prepared for this. "That...that's ok", he muttered. Then he reached out gently towards her, "Come on". She looked away, with tears in her eyes, "I can't", she whispered.

No... she had failed. Right then and there. Her heart started racing and she started slightly trembling while trying real hard not to break down. At that moment, she felt so much fear it was killing her inside. She couldn't let him see her cry, had promised herself not to. Y/n just wasn't ready for what could happen if she did. It would destroy her. It would... at that very moment, a gentle hand gripped her arm.

"You'll get trough this, don't worry". Was that actually what she wanted to hear all this time? Was this actually his reaction? Well if it was... She squinted her eyes and started slowly breathing in and out. It seemed to her like that lasted for a whole hour, while it was only a matter of minutes before she opened her eyes and felt no more tears in them. So she exhaled deeply one more time and snapped her head towards him, "So. Where are we going today?" .

Wakko stared at her in pure shock and amazement. How? Was she really that strong? Or was this all because of him? He didn't want to belive it was the second one. She had to love herself, and doing something for someone else felt utterly wrong. All in all, it kind of hurt. What could hurt even more, was his answer. "To the classroom", he agonized what he tought was a bad choice, but still disagreed with her opinion.

Y/n pouted, but it wasn't about him. It was about if anyone told her that, she'd ask if there was anything interesting.  Because she wasn't interested in just sitting in class and listening to someone brag about whatever. So she dared to ask the stupid question, "What are we going to do there? And no, I'm not asking because you want to hang out with me. I'd ask anyone". "Whoa, ok", he said, "It's going to be fun, come on".

And with that, he literaly dragged her across the lot towards the little house known as the classroom. Y/n stopped both of them at the entrance, out of breath. After catching it, she went to open the door, Wakko following. They stepped inside when there...was no board. Instead of it stood a blue table with six rows. The first row had the names of a few subjects written in white letters, each in it's box, and the other five had the numbers 100 to 500, also written in white.

Y/n walked to the table while Wakko closed the door. She stared in amazament at the blue color of it, excitement rising up in her. This really was something interesting. This was everything an avarge student could dream of. Making class more interesting. If only they had something like that in their school. Even better, this thing offered money. But they weren't toons. And weren't payed to go to school.

"Can I choose...uh...", she started. "No", he caught her off and came to the table. He clicked on the 500 mark under the last subject labeled United States. The screen lifted up and the words "daily double" came flashing on it. Then he clicked once more and the task showed. "There", he said. "The names of all 50 states and their capitals", she read out loud, " I even know all of them...?".

"Maybe you don't, but I do", he said and lead her to the side of the room where the three desks had been removed. She sat in the middle again and stared at the empty board-like map. Wakko stepped in front of her and smiled, "Are you going to just sit there and watch or what?". "And what am I supposed to do? Stand up?", y/n asked, suddenly feeling...butterflies??

Wakko walked over to the desk, set one arm on it, layed his head on that arm and took her hand with his other hand. She looked straight at him with slight fear, while he stared back at her with pure symphaty. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are?", he asked. "To you", y/n mumbled. He blushed uncontrolibly. "I knew it", she hissed. "But would you please do this with me?", he urged. "Do what?" "You'll see", he said, "You need to stop being scared of new things".

His smile grew wider as he said that. That smile that caused her so much pain but this time it kinda...didn't. And it scared her. Her body actually...relaxed. She couldn't help her feelings. Y/n finaly got up and followed Wakko to the board. Once there, he got out a violin from behind his back. She slapped herself, "Why do you always have to sing?!", she snapped. "It's a part of the show", he said, "So, you ready?".

His hand was already gripping hers. Which meant he was born ready. Well after all, this was his song. "Excuse me", she said, "How can you play a violin with one hand?". "You can help me", he smiled again. Oh. So he wanted her to hold the violin with one hand, and his hand witb the other...then they would have to grip hands...yep, she was stuck.

"At least I'm taller", she suddenly smiled as well. She took his hand once again and held the violin. "Here goes!", he got in her face and she cringed. Then he played a little intro and started singing, pointing onto the nap with a stick. Before too long, they were on- no, in the map, jumpng from one state to the other with such ease, it felt like a dream. They also let go of eachother, so y/n was now following Wakko.

Surrounded by the sea on a single piece of earth they knew as the States, there was just something magical about all of it. She felt like a child, running around, swimming even, and...laughing. Actually letting go of her problems. Actually being free.

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