Chapter 20

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Wakko got out a sleigh and smiled at y/n, "I think this seems like a good place for sledging". She only nodded and they stepped inside, him closing the door. He wrapped the orange scarf around his neck and gave her a purple one. "Wow, thanks!", she exclaimed, "We're matching now".

"What do you mean?", he asked. "Orange and purple go together". She wrapped the scarf around her own neck and they climbed into the sleigh. The moment they got in, it started moving downhill and a strong wind blew y/n's hair. "How doesn't your hat fall off?!", she asked, "Oh, wait. I already know the answer". The sky was filled with pink and yellow clouds, it looked like someone had spread vanilla all over it. Y/n sneaked an arm around Wakko and slowly leaned on his shoulder. 

Once they came to the end, they had to climb back up, which of course took them a lot more time. To make things less boring, he explained to her that this was a set for a movie called Wakko's Wish. She was kind of amused by the name, yet glad he was the literal main character in it. They filmed it in 1999, and he even enjoyed it, though less than the filming from 1993, of course. So once they came back to the top, Wakko showed her around a town known as the Acme Falls.

The town was made of pure stone and perhaps  wood. It looked beautiful, and even though she found it hard to walk on all those stones, y/n didn't mind. She tried her best to keep up with Wakko because she was honestly curious. She wanted to see all those beautiful places. It felt like a fairytale to her, and once she tought about it, she didn't want to go back. She wanted to stay there, even though she knew she couldn't.

"Hey look! It's a rainbow!", she suddenly pointed at the sky. "And a sunset", he smiled at her. Y/n stared at him, confused, "Wait, that much time has passed?". "Which means you had a great time", he said. "Well I did...", she trailled off then gasped, "I actually admitted it! I HAD A GREAT TIME! I HAD THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE! YAAAAAAY!", she screamed into space while laughing before hugging him tightly.

He hugged her back, the smile not leaving his face. They had finaly reached their goal, to never be upset again and to be free of any doubt about eachother. Once they let go, Wakko took both of her hands and for a while they stared at eachother's eyes. Y/n's heart started pounding at the gesture. Something beautiful was going to happen. Something, that included confessing her feelings for him.

He looked back up at the sky, "It's already getting dark", he stated, "We should get going". "Where?", she asked, already fluttering. How fast could she react at such things? He smirked, "As always, you'll see". So they started walking and eventualy came to a water tower simillar to the one on the lot. The only difference was that it didn't have a ladder. "How are we going to climb up?", she asked.

To answer her question, Wakko got the ladder from behind his back and put it on the tower. "I...I don't think this is a good idea", said y/n. "I'll help you", he responded. She let out an almost inaudiable sigh of relief and started climbing, him right behind her. The feeling of safety never leaving her, she successfully made it to the top and even helped Wakko climb up after her. There was no fence, either. It only had a few bedrooms seperated by the hall and a kind of balcony.

On the balcony stood a little bench and a big harph that looked like it was reaching the sky. The two stood there for a moment in peace and quiet. "It's so calm here", said y/n. "Yeah", said Wakko and started walking towards the bench. She slowly followed him as he sat down on it and patted a spot on the ground in front of him. She kneeled down in front of him so that they could be the same hight. As he reached his      hands out to play the harph, his arms closed in around her and he leaned in to kiss her, which she finaly, for the first time, happily accepted.

After that, she crawled under his right arm and sat on the bench to his right. As she hugged him, he looked up at the night sky and started singing Twinkle Twinkle...Wishing Star? He hadn't told her about that song yet, out of everything she'd heard about the movie. But it made sense. Not long after he started, she felt him stare at her so she turned her gaze as well, curious of what it was, when there...all he did was widen those big black eyes at her, she could feel herself melt.

It was a strange feeling after such a long time and y/n was still a little hesitant, but she knew he wouldn't do her any harm, so she enjoyed the feeling in the end. Soon he turned his head away again, but she kept staring at him like a magnet kept her eyes there. After finishing the song, Wakko slowly wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her again. Y/n had the sweetest smile on her face, it was unbearable.  As he broke away, he hugged her back and she started her little speech with a content sigh.

"I've realised this a long time ago, but am admitting it only're cute. Adorable even. From the day we met, you have been there for me even if I didn't want it. You're kind, you're sweet, you're gentle...", she chuckled a little, "I don't know...I don't know how I even managed to say this, first of all. And second...I don't know how would I end up if you weren't there to my life.  You cheered me up when I needed it the most. You made me feel loved, but this time for real. So to answer your question from long ago...I love you too Wakko" .

The end
Hope you like it:)

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