The Dream

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"Finally" I stretched my body as we arrived at the destination. Because of the long journey, my body has become numb. I looked around and saw that my parents have already arrived at the location. I searched for my sister while my mother is calling me from the entrance.

"Aadhya, come and help me with this. There is a lot to do and you are just standing there. You must do things fast if you took responsibility. I can't even-"

"Mom, relax. I WILL do everything and I don't need you to remind me that. Don't worry. My sister wedding will not have any disturbances and I will make sure of it. I will do a great job. Right Nikki?" I asked my sister and she winked at me and assured my mother.

"Mom! She arrived just now and you started scolding her. She will make sure that everything is perfect. Don't fight in my wedding. I won't like it." She pouted.

My mom sighed and went inside. I don't get how my sister always convinces others so easily.

Being very close to my sister, I wanted to make sure that everything goes according to my plan and her interest. I wanted her marriage to be a beautiful and memorable moment to my sister.

At first, I was afraid to take up this responsibility because of my introvert nature but my sister encouraged me so that I can engage in longer conversations and in short, learn how to speak with others basically.

I started unpacking the luggage and started planning on where to start. I started with the venue and checked if all the work has started or not. I called every person and made sure they are provided with everything and if there are any obstacles to their work. I felt like a professional event planner with my outfit and with the checklist in my tab.

Venue–check, flowers–check, rooms–check, catering-check....the list goes on and I checked everything while receiving the guests arriving for the occasion beforehand.

"Wow! You've grown a lot!", "Very good, you are taking care of everything like a grown-up!", "You are next, be ready"- I have maintained smile through all these comments from my relatives even though I really didn't want to and greeted everyone and showed them their rooms for staying for these 4 days.

Meanwhile, I helped my mother if there is anything that needed me. I tried to mingle in the grown-up's conversation but not even a single word has come from my mouth. I don't get how our parents can talk so eloquently and even crack jokes even with people they don't like. I find it hard to talk to my colleagues let alone talking to the people I don't like.

By the time I am done with the day, it was almost past seven in the night. I have checked everything and the things are going smoothly. I smiled to myself as everything is going according to my plan and praised myself for doing a great job.

From tomorrow, I will be busier as we are supposed to learn dance for sangeeth. Me and my cousins are doing a special performance. I am very much excited. But I will be meeting him after a long time and I can't help but feel nervous.


The wedding arrangements are finished and I am sitting in the mandap wearing a beautiful green saree, looking very pretty(obviously). I am doing some pooja along with the groom. Though I am unable to see his face, I can feel that I am very happy. Then I am waiting with varmaala in my hand and the groom revealed his face. ARYAA?!

I startled and woke up from my sleep. I don't remember falling asleep when I came to the rooftop. Maybe I am tired from all the work.

I am still shocked with the kind of dream I had. I convinced myself that I dreamt of that because I am thinking about sangeeth with cousins and because I obviously lost my mind. Nothing more or less. After convincing myself for the fifth time, I looked at the night sky. The moon is so pretty.

"Is it full moon day today?" I asked myself aloud.


I got a reply from behind and I immediately turned back. I am shocked to see the person.

"Hi Arya" I managed to say as he sat beside me but maintained a good distance between us

"Hi Aadhya! Good to see you!"

I nodded and smiled. I bet my anything that my smile is the most awkward one you have ever seen. I turned my head and stared ahead.


We didn't talk again and just sat there. I am looking at the stars but all I think is what he is doing beside me. I wanted to look at him but I can't. I am afraid- What if he sees me staring at him? What should I do then? It will be so embarrassing.

We used to meet a few times during family occasions. Though I don't have the memories from those events, I can still remember the feelings– I have a crush on him and found him very interesting. I find myself thinking about him a lot and staring at him.

Every time I see someone doing something, I used to imagine what will he do in those situations. I used to imagine us together.

But as we grew up, we didn't have that many chances to meet. So I guess, I suppressed those feelings somewhere at the back of my heart.

But he is here and I can't help remembering those feelings again.

Oh my God! He is sitting here and I am thinking about him hard. What if he can read minds. Then he will know what I am thinking about him. But still, he is human right! He can't read people's mind. Ok, let's test it.

If you can hear what I am thinking, look at me!

With that, I took a glance at him. I am shocked to find him staring at me.

It IS A Coincidence. Don't panic. He doesn't have superpowers. CALM DOWN.

He didn't even start a conversation and I am already panicking. He appears super calm and I am on the verge of hyperventilation. How can I be his girlfriend if we are so opposite?

Wait a second - How would I know if he is single or committed.

What will I do then? I am suddenly hit with the reality and came out of my little fantasies. I need to find out his relationship status.

I met him just now after a long time and I am already losing my shit. What will happen to me if I sit here for some more time. I shouldn't stay here for long. I will say something that I will regret later for sure. I should immediately get out of here.

"Ok then, see you later" I stood abruptly.

"Bye Aadhya, see you later" he replied calmly, not at all affected by my weird actions.

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