The Assurance

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How to make an introvert jump off a cliff???

Just make her worse fears come to life.

We started our dance practice. And guess who my dance partner is!

Yup! That's right. It's Arya.

It took me so much effort to calm down after yesterday's confrontation. I couldn't even sleep and it is showing in my morning face. I freshened up and wore a simple top and legging. It will be comfortable for practice. I thought everything will be alright if I could just behave and avoid him. At the same time, I wanted to spend time with him to get to know him more. But I suppose God only listened to the latter wish.

It is very awkward for me but I am trying not to show it. Basically I am good at reading other's mind but with him, I can't. He always has a poker face on and talks very little. Maybe he is an introvert too. So starting a conversation with him is very difficult even if I try. It is always a short two liner talk. He just replies to what I ask. He won't ask me anything in return even just for formality.

Silence engulfed us even there is utter chaos around us. We just danced and I tried my best to concentrate on the moves rather than him.

I can't help but notice the way he is dancing. He sure is a good dancer.

I am a good singer and I always wanted my partner to be a good dancer.


A lot of time has passed and all of us practiced hard for our dance. The choreography came out very good and I am sure that our performance will be the center of attraction in sangeet.


I went to my sister's room to talk with her after all the dance and work. I found her sleeping with a frown on her face. I guess she is nervous about the whole wedding. I mean, who wouldn't be?! I stared at her for some more time and felt a whole lot of emotions swirling inside me.

I am hit with the realization that in two days, my sister will be married and will go to the states. I won't be able to spend time with her like the old times. Of course, we can speak on phone from time to time. But still, it is different from physical assurance from her.

I wanted to be alone for some time to control myself. I went to the rooftop and no one was there. So I just sat in my usual place hugging my knees. As soon as I relaxed, tears started flowing.

After a while I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and saw Arya beside me. Strangely I didn't feel awkward or embarrassing even when I am crying. He just kept silent and patted my shoulder in an attempt to console me.

I calmed down after some time. I wanted to be alone but I am glad that Arya is there with me now. I never felt comfort from his silence like now.

I angled my body at him and he looked at me in response.

"You want to tell me what happened? Did anyone bother you?"

The way he asked me, I sensed worry in it. I am very happy that he is concerned about me, that too without invading my privacy or forcing me to tell the details so I spoke my mind to him even though it is difficult for me usually.

"From my childhood, I spent most of my time with my sister. You can sense that cuz we rarely met. So I guess, it is safe to assume that my sister is like my friend. I tell her everything and she is there for me always. But now, I won't be able to spend time with my sister. Of course, I am happy for her. But she is the only one I always leaned on. Now without her, it will take me time to adjust, I think."

I tried to stop my tears by looking up in the sky. Arya is silent beside me.

"I am sorry. I guess I am making you uncomfortable." I mumbled.

But then I heard something which made me shocked and happy at the same time.

"Don't be sorry. I am fine. And – and if you want, you can talk to me whenever you are feeling down. Don't bottle up your feelings. You can always tell me if you are bothered by anything or even if you want to cry. Don't be embarrassed with me. There is no need."

"Yeah! Sure....Thank you Arya" I smiled and he too gave me a smile in return.

Again we sat there for a long time in silence.

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