The Date Plan

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"You are such a pain in my –" I stopped mid-sentence as I glared at my soon-to-be-dead bestie who is smirking at me.

"Come on, I did what I thought is a good deed to the society. I am basically a person who is kind, understanding, humane and what not."

"You are everything except those. Do you know how awkward it was? I was unable to form sentences also. You left me like that even though you know how difficult it is for me to be in those situations. Especially in his presence."

"Aadhya, you are still a kid. You won't understand even if I tell you about this. It is a long game. But remember this. You both will thank me for leaving you love birds alone. Then you will ask for my apologies for ranting at me like this." She scoffed.


"Yes yes, you are not. Yet" she smirked and went into her room leaving me in the hall.

Again. Just Like That.


The next morning, as usual, we both ate breakfast and she literally nagged me to death to tell her the details of what happened yesterday. So I told her about the conversation with Arya. She didn't stop giggling the entire time.

After my narration of yesterday's event, she turned calm for a minute. Then she started her speech.

"Look Aadhya, it is not time for you to be lazy. Get up. We have an important thing to do."

"And that would be?!"

"Shopping. Let's get you more dresses"

"No, it is not needed. Relax Sanvi. We are just spending time. That's it."

"As I told you yesterday, you are still a kid. You don't know how the world works. Let me help you." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"No, please. It is embarrassing enough for me in this situation. I don't want to add more to it"

I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting with them.

"Aadhya, you like him, right?"

"I don't know" I honestly don't know. I think I like him but at the same time, something else is haunting me at the back of my head.

Why am I scared? Lack of confidence? Any possible family threats? Or is it because deep down I feared that I might get attached to him and he won't reciprocate my feelings?

Sanvi sat beside me on the couch and hugged me sideways firmly.

"Don't listen to your head. Listen to your heart, Aadhya. It won't betray you. What will you do if he confesses his feelings to you? Will you then admit your feelings towards him and accept his? Or will you still be doubtful of yourself?" She uttered those words just like she can read my thoughts.

"I don't know" I whispered. I really don't know what I will do or will it even happen.

"Just go with him when he asks you. You get to spend some time together. May be that will help you to get rid of those thoughts inside your head. If it works out, I will always be ready to accept huge thanking gifts from both of you. In case, it doesn't work out, well, I am always ready to break his arms and legs for breaking your heart."

I chuckled and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know how you will survive in this world without me. You are so lucky to have me" she sighed dramatically.

"Yeah, I am indeed lucky."


Rest of the day, I did all the tasks I postponed for this week. Finally after what felt like a painful time, I completed my work. I sat on the couch and started scrolling through my Instagram when suddenly a message notification popped out.

It is a message from Arya. I replied instantly.

Hi Aadhya, you busy?

                                                                                        Hi Arya...No, I am free.

Just wanted to know if

you are free tomorrow


He is asking to meet! Will I be able to?

Listen to your heart, Aadhya. It won't betray you. I repeated my bestie's advice in my mind.

                                                                                       Yes, I am free. At what time

                                                                                       should we meet?

Around 8 pm. I will

pick you up. Share

me your location.

                                                                                                Ok, Sounds good.📍

It sounds like a dinner plan. I don't know what to wear. I am in serious need of my bestie.

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