The Dream Come True

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"Noooo way" he dragged his words while eating the pizza.

"Yesss" I replied in the same manner to which he chuckled.

"Really, I was your crush? That too from childhood? Wow, I must be so lucky." He said with his mouth full.

"Yeah, you are very lucky."

It's been 6 months since we opened up our hearts to each other and everyday felt like day-1 to me. We went on so many dates on every weekend and we shared so many stories from our childhood. I liked the fact that he was a huge part in all of my favorite memories.

It's been almost a year since the wedding. The Arya in front of me is so different from the Arya I knew before. He is more relaxed and expressing himself more. He talks so well. It is good that he is speaking more otherwise it would be a great shame to miss his words.

We are in a café. It is far from the place where I live but still I wanted to visit this place from so long because the food here is so amazing. Of course, Arya took me here. In these 6 months, I came to know that he is very attentive. I will stress on the 'very'. He listens to me and learns my interests, hobbies, thoughts, like everything. Yet he manages to surprise me through his actions.

I decided to tell him that he is my crush and his response is so adorable. So I did the thing that my mind told me to do.

I bent forward and pinched his cheek. He is stunned by my sudden action.

"You are so adorable. I wish our baby will get your genes so he will be as cute as you."

I didn't register what words are leaving my mouth until I saw his eyes widen, not with fear. I saw amusement in his eyes and his grin.

I immediately panicked and rushed, "No, only if you want to."

It didn't help with the situation. I immediately covered my face with both my hands.

I know we both love each other but I don't want to rush things without considering his opinion too. Even when I feel that we will marry each other, I can't help but overthink.

"You are saying I am adorable but in reality, you are cuter. So I think it is better if our baby gets your genes."

I removed one hand from my face. "Really?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, for real." He chuckled. "In fact I can't say with just words."

This time he leaned forward, bringing his face closer to mine.

"So beautiful" he brushed his lips over me.





He said every word with a kiss. I giggled and shoved him back playfully.

"Stop. We are in a café." I said even though there are partitions around every table and even though I didn't want him to stop.

"Ok fine" he said, giving me a final kiss. "Come on, let's go. We wasted a lot of time not spending it with each other. Do you think this lifetime will be enough to make it up?" He extended his hand towards me.

"No, it isn't. "

I laced our fingers together and kissed the back of his hand whispering the prayers of eternity of love in all our lifetimes.

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