The Advice

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Next day, I packed my luggage and went to my hometown. I like my home. But I felt something is missing this time. A feeling of longing.

I just had a week to spend at my home but every minute is passing by like an hour. I have many things to do but I am feeling bored. When I am doing nothing, I am feeling restless. I constantly check my phone and feel sad to see no messages waiting for me in the inbox.

I miss him. I don't know if he is feeling the same. Should I message him or not? If yes, what should I message him? I think he is interested in me, but am I sure?

I took my phone into my hands thinking Sanvi might help me to clear my brain.

"Hello Sanvi! Are you free to talk right now?"

"Of course, I will always have time for you." she said in a flirty tone.

"Haha, very nice of you. What are you up to?" my voice lacked humor.

"Just tell me what you wanted to ask. You sounded so serious."

"Nothing serious. It's just that a friend of mine has a problem and she wanted some advice. So I just-"

"Oh! please Aadhya. Whom are you kidding? I know you don't have any other friends except me. Just tell me what is going on with you. I am all ears."

"Fine" I sighed. "It's just that I am in total confusion. You know right that I have a crush on Arya. I just thought of it as a silly feeling before. But I sense things have changed after my sister's marriage. I think I really like him. Sometimes, I feel it is mutual. But I am in confusion. Whenever I think Arya also likes me, I give myself reasons to kill that thought.

Like - 'Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he just sees you as a cousin whom he wants to catch up with. That's it. If he really likes you, he had many opportunities to tell you so, still he didn't. He doesn't like you. You are delusional and think highly of yourself.'

They are running in my head. But, I do have a positive hope somewhere in the corner of my heart that he does like me and I am over thinking.

If he likes me, why didn't he tell me yet?"

I finished my long speech and Sanvi cleared her throat.

"First of all Aadhya, CALM DOWN. You are thinking too much when there is nothing to worry about. I will answer of all your worries. If Arya really sees you as a cousin to catch up, trust me, he would only do it once. No offense, but you are not that much fun when it comes to talking. You always stay silent so he really has to do the talking. Yet, why both of you had met so many times during the past month. Because he wants you with him. He didn't call you for time pass. He wanted to be with you all the time.

I can see it in the way he looks at you or when does something for you. During our trip, I can really tell that he likes you too. Even a blind person can sense it.

I even thought you two might become official during the 2 days. But from what I have observed, he is not that expressive with words. Maybe he is holding back from confessing his feelings because he too thought the same like you. Maybe he is afraid you don't feel the same towards him.

So, if you really like him, you can do two things. One, wait for him to confess, which he will do eventually, because I have a strong feeling.

Or two, you can take the first step. There is no written rule that only boys should confess his feelings or get on their knees for girls. Girls too can take the first step.

Don't think too much and just confess your feelings to him. If it is success, you guys can throw me a party and make sure you don't forget gifts for me because no matter how you think, I am indirectly your matchmaker. Unfortunately, if it fails which is impossible, don't forget that no matter what, I will be there for you and obviously you can't get rid of me."

I almost got teary-eyed. Sanvi really has a way with talking to people, especially to me. I don't know what I would do without her.

"And the therapy session is over and you owe me 2K. Of course, you can pay me in other ways. You understood what I did there? Does these words ring a bell?" she laughed.

"Thank you very much Sanvi. I will think about what you said. And as for the last part, you said something which I didn't get. I think there is a network issue on your side. See you later. Bye." I chuckled and disconnected the call before Sanvi had a chance to swear at me.


I thought a lot about what Sanvi had told. I don't want to pressure him and I don't want to lose him. So I decided to tell him in person when the holidays are over.

I opened his chat to message him and I am surprised to see three dots dancing at the bottom. "Telepathy" I muttered to myself when a message appeared from him.

Hi Aadhya. GM

                                                                        GM Arya. What's up?

Nothing, what r u


                                                                        Nothing much.

Hmm, when r u

coming back?

                                                                        Saturday morning

I think he is typing and erasing whatever he typed. I can see three dots appearing and disappearing for a long time. I wonder what he is thinking.

Can we meet on

that day? You know

like a sleepover!!

                                                                          Yeah, sure. I would love to.

I am very much eager for the remaining days to pass by so that I can meet him as soon as I reach.

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