Chapter 4 The Halloween Dance

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I woke up to my face being smacked by a pillow and Joie yelling, "Wake up!"

"What?" I said, sitting up. "I don't like being hit in the head with a flipping pillow."

"You weren't waking up," Joie said.

"So you hit me?" I asked.


I rolled my eyes. "What time is it?"


I gave her a look. "We're going to be late for school!"

"Oh relax, I already called the school and said you had to stay home to take care of your dad who had his wisdom teeth taken out, and I have to take care of my sick baby sister. So we'll still be able to go to the dance tonight without getting in any trouble."

"How did you get my dad to agree to this?" I asked.

"Easy. I didn't."

"If my dad finds out he's going to be livid, J Lockhart."

"Which is why I disabled his phone for 8 hours. And I even forged a note saying you were taking care of your dad in case the school asks for a note."

"You're amazing," I said, laughing. "Alright, want some breakfast?"

"I say pancakes."

"You're making them. You know I can't cook."

"Then I'm teaching you. Cooking is an essential life skill, Tylie."

"Not my fault I've never had to cook before. People have always done it for me."

"Well, that ends today. Come on, I'm teaching you how to make pancakes."

We got up and went to the kitchen to learn to make pancakes. Later on when I would become a hybrid, cooking and baking was the only way that made me feel somewhat normal. It was the last normal thing I did in my human life, and the small things like cooking helped me feel more human than monster. I turned out to be an excellent cook.

After we made pancakes, resulting in me covered in flour since we made it from scratch, we sat down and watched some American Horror Story. Kind of ironic, since later on my life would become one big American horror story.

"So what's up with this blonde nun chick," I said, pointing my fork at this nun on the screen.

"There are two blonde nun chicks," Joie said, laughing.

"Fine, the young blonde nun chick," I said.

"Oh, she's possessed by the Devil. And now she's talking to the Angel of Death," Joie explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"'Cuz they're besties," she said.

"How'd she become possessed? I thought she was wearing that cross necklace so she couldn't get possessed by that demon thingy."

"I think when the were exorcising Jed that had the Devil in him and he ripped it off when he was being exorcised and the Devil went into Mary."

"Oh, okay. I get it now."

Suddenly, it was the scene between the demon and the Monsignor.

"OH DEAR GOD!" I yelled and covered my eyes. "Why is she doing that? That's illegal! Oh my god, what is it with rape these days?!"

Joie laughed. "Calm down, Tylie, we can stop watching it before you have a heart attack."

"My poor innocent mind," I said.

The Chronicles of Tyler CaineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora