Chapter 5

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I don't really remember much after blacking out. I remember flashes of seeing Zac, Evan, and some older guy who kept yelling at Zac and Evan about me. But I mostly remember the pain. Every time I started to wake up, the pain would pull me back under the darkness.

Finally, I woke up. My neck hurt like a bitch, and my whole body was sore. I groaned and rubbed my neck, cracking it to try to relieve some of the pain. It helped slightly, but it was still sore.

I realized I was in a bed, and I got really confused. How did I get here? Last I remember, I was at the dance...

I got up and looked around. I was in a house, and I saw a door. I walked out and saw Zac, Evan, and the older guy sitting at the table.

The old guy looked at me in shock. "You're awake."

"Am I not supposed to be?" I asked.

"Actually, you're not," he said. "It's quite surprising you're even alive."

I gave him a confused look. "Um okay? What happened to me? Last I remember, I was at the school."

"Tyler," Zac and Evan said at the same time.

I looked at them, and it all came flashing back to me. Them biting me and their faces.

"You!" I snarled and lunged at them. Zac got out of the way, but Evan tried to hug me. Something feral came over me, and I almost bit into his neck. The old guy got me away from Evan and restrained me.

"Stay away from her, boys," he ordered. "She's dangerous, especially to you two."

"Why?" Evan asked. "She's my mate, she shouldn't be a danger to me."

"She's mine," Zac growled. "Once we figure out what she is-"

"Stop it, both of you," the man ordered. "She's not a vampire or a werewolf."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, tugging my arms away from him.

They got released after that, and I wondered how it was that easy. This man was strong, and I wasn't the strongest of girls. So how was I able to get my arms free so easily?

"I'm sorry you had to learn about it this way," the man said. "I'm Cory."

"Learn what?" I asked.

Cory looked at me. "About vampires, werewolves, and witches. And now, hybrids."

"What?" Zac and Evan asked in disbelief.

"There's no such thing as hybrids," Evan said.

"She's a vampire," Zac said. "I bit her first. She's one of me."

"I bit her too, and that countered the vampire venom," Evan said. "She should be human, or at least a werewolf."

"You're both wrong. Both of your venom's combined should have killed her, since her human body wouldn't have been able to handle it. But, for some reason, the venom's worked and combined to make Ms. Caine here the first hybrid."

"My name is Tyler," I snapped. "Not Ms. Caine. That's too formal. And what do you mean I'm a hybrid? What even is that?"

"A combination of a vampire and werewolf," Cory explained. "I don't know how exactly both sides express themselves, but I'm sure they'll show themselves soon enough."

"Which one is the dominant side?" Evan asked.

Cory looked at me, and I fought back a hiss. I didn't like him studying me as if I was some kind of science experiment. I was a human being, well, I was a person anyway. No longer human, apparently.

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