Chapter 6

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I ran through the woods, surprisingly slow. I always thought vampires and werewolves were supposed to be fast, and a hybrid of the two would be even faster.

It wasn't until I heard a noise that sounded like a gunshot that I realized that the pace I was running at was actually a walk to me. I shot off like a bullet, darting past houses without my vision blurring even the slightest. This being a hybrid was gonna be easy.

I got to Joie's house and saw her light was on. Thank god, that saved me the trouble of waking her up. She was scary when she was angry. I feared for my life whenever I have to wake her up.

I was getting ready to climb the tree right by her window when a voice stopped me.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

I rolled my eyes at the sound of the voice. And here I thought I snuck out so cleverly. Should've known one of the assholes that bit me would've followed me.

"Getting away from you," I snapped.

"And why would you want to do that?" Evan asked.

I turned around and glared at him. "Because you bit me and turned me into a f*cking hybrid, that's why."

"No need to be hasty," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "In my defense, I was trying to turn you into a werewolf."

"You just couldn't have left me being normal and having a normal life, could you?"

"Werewolf beats being dead. I saved you from becoming a bloodsucker." He looked smug.

I rolled my eyes. Did this guy not listen to anything Cory said?

"Newsflash, I'm still a bloodsucker," I said. "I'm just half werewolf too, unfortunately."

Evan narrowed his eyes. "Maybe if I bit you again, that could erase the vampire in you."

He started to take a step towards me, and I hissed reflexively and my fangs protruded. "Don't even think about coming near me."

"I'm just trying to help," Evan said.

"You've done enough. You took my life away from me, the least you can do is leave me alone."

Evan glanced up at Joie's window. "You can't be friends with her, you know. Humans and werewolves don't mix well. They're too frightened of us."

"I'm not one of you," I snapped. "And I'm not one of Zac either. I'm myself, I'm not apart of any group."

"You could be, if you'd let your werewolf side become dominant."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you get it? I'm a hybrid, half vampire and half werewolf. They're both dominant, I don't have a choice about it. Not anymore. You and Zac took that away from me when you both had a temper tantrum and bit me. And I don't belong to you, so don't even think about trying to bite me again."

Evan's eyes darkened. "You belong to me, and nobody else. Understand?"

"Tyler?" I heard Joie say.

I froze. I didn't want Joie around Evan, especially since Evan looked like he was going to kill.

Evan's eyes flashes to Joie's window, and I saw his eyes change to gold and wolfish fangs appear. Not good.

I darted in front of Joie's house, blocking his path to it. "Don't you even think about it."

"Why are you protective over her?" Evan snarled. "She's a weak human. You don't need her, not when you could have me."

"She's been more to me than you ever will be," I said. "She's everything to me, while you're nothing to me."

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