Chapter 2

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The bell rang to go to class, and I walked with Joie into health. It was a boring day, and I spent the entire time having silent conversations with Joie via facial expressions.

I entertained myself by having a thumb war with myself, and I completely zoned out. I didn't really need to pay attention since I already knew this stuff. I also wouldn't need to pay attention later, since vampires don't have to worry about health since they're always perfectly healthy. They just need to have blood. And that applies to hybrids as well.

Thankfully the teacher never called on me, otherwise I probably would've said something completely random and embarrassed myself. It's happened before, and to a wallflower like me, it was the worse thing ever.

Class finally ended, and I walked up to Joie.

"J Lockhart," I half sang.

"T Caine," she replied, grinning at me.

We walked out of class and I saw Amanda staring at Joie. Amanda is a lesbian and I know for a fact she has a crush on Joie. I don't have a problem with her being a lesbian, I'm just really protective over Joie. Joie is my bitch, so Amanda needs to back the f*ck off. I was here first.

"See you at lunch J Lockhart," I said.

"Bye Tylie," Joie said.

I walked to my next class, which happened to be English Honors (I hate being smart). I sat down at my desk and was tempted to put in my headphones. Unfortunately, the teacher was watching me, so I didn't.

Class started, and I spent the whole hour in my head. When I get bored, I make little movies in my head and basically create little things in my head. It's fun and passes the time.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the teacher calling my name. "Tyler?"

"Yeah?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Sorry, Tyler Porter," Ms Guth, my English teacher, said.

I nodded and went back to my thoughts. The only thing I hate about my name is that it's commonly used as a guy's name. Every time a new teacher says my name during roll call and I respond, they always look at me in shock. Not my fault my parents named me Tyler. It's a girl and a guy name.

"Tyler C, what's a gerund?" Ms Guth asked.

I thought for a moment. "A verb that acts as a noun and ends in ing."

"Excellent," she said and moved on.

That's how it usually works in this class. I answer one question, and she never calls on me again. She knows that I'm really shy and knows she'll barely ever get long answers out of me. I'm just a quiet person. If only I had known how much that would help me when I turned into a vampire.

Class ended, and I went to Spanish class. I had it with Dylan and I always get nervous around him, so I was slightly dreading Spanish. The teacher is nice, though, and barely ever calls on me to answer questions. There's always advantages in being a wallflower.

I sat down at my desk, and Dylan walked in. I smiled and nodded at him in greeting, and he came up to me.

"I have something to ask you after class," he said.

"Okay," I said, my nerves immediately heightened. I never did well with anticipation or dread. And I always hate having to answer future questions that I don't know.

So I sat in Spanish class, fidgeting all hour. The teacher, Señora Bryant, kept giving me weird looks, but didn't ask me anything. Like all teachers, she knows she'll never get a long answer out of me, or an explanation about something personal.

The Chronicles of Tyler Caineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें