Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of arguing. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, wondering what the hell was going on. Don't people know a girl needs her beauty sleep? Even an undead/living girl? I'm still confused on the whole dead-or-alive thing.

I yawned and got up, deciding to see what all the yelling was about. I don't know if it was because of becoming a hybrid or something, but I was more annoyed than usual. I guess maybe werewolves do have anger issues. I don't know.

I walked down and saw Damon and Jace arguing. Damon looked pissed off, while Jace looked smug. Wonder what happened between the two brothers.

"What the hell is with all the yelling?" I demanded, coming down the stairs. "Haven't you people ever heard of sleep?"

Damon looked at me and sped over. "Sorry Tyler, we're just having a disagreement on something."

"Sounded like more like a fight than a disagreement," I said. "What were you guys arguing about?"

"You," Jace said.

I frowned. "What? Why?"

"Jace," Damon growled warningly.

"No, she deserved to know," Jace said, walking over. "We were arguing about how to teach your werewolf side. Damon thinks that we should take that side slow while I think we should face it head on."

"She can't face it head on," Damon said.

"Sure she can," Jace insisted.

"You weren't there when I found her," Damon snapped. "You don't know what happened."

I flinched slightly at the memory of my teeth sinking into his neck. I didn't like the memory of taking someone's life. And the blood. There was so much blood...

"She needs to train that side too, to control it," Jace insisted. "Werewolf anger isn't like vampire's, big bro."

Damon's eyes flashed warningly. "Jace, I am only going to tell you this once: knock it off. She isn't ready for that yet."

"I can do it," I said, causing them both to look at me bewildered.

"What?" Damon asked. "Are you sure?"

Jace grinned. "You heard her. Let's go this."

"Tyler, you don't have to do this," Damon said, ignoring Jace.

"I know, but Jace is right. I need to control it. I don't," I swallowed and took a deep breath, "I can't let what happened happen again. I need to control that side. I can do this."

Damon studied me, his eyes searching mine. Finally, he sighed. "Okay, we'll do this."

"Great, let's go," Jace said, starting towards me.

Damon held out his arm and stopped him. "I'm not finished," he growled. "We'll do this, but if you start pushing her, we stop. No more training if she doesn't want it. This is Tyler's decision, so she decides what happens. Understood?"

Jace rolled his eyes. "Yes, brother, I know. Don't be such a buzz kill."

"I'm serious, Jace," Damon said. "As soon as Tyler says stop, you stop. No exceptions."

"Got it," Jace said and looked at me. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I said and walked outside.

Due to the fact  we were in the middle of nowhere, we trained outside. I still found it weird how they lived in the middle of nowhere, but I suppose it was for reasons like this.

"We'll start easy, okay?" Damon said. "Nothing too big."

"I wouldn't say that," Jace said. "She's a werewolf; she can take it."

I shifted nervously. "Can you not call me that? Please."

"Why, that's what you are," Jace said. "You're a werewolf, get used to the word."

"Jace," Damon warned.

"No, she has to hear it," Jace said and looked at me. "You're not human anymore, sweetheart. You're a werewolf, so get used to it. This isn't sunshine and butterflies, it's the real word. And the real world hurts."

"Back off, Jace," Damon growled. "You don't know what that did to her."

"Stop babying her, Damon," Jace snapped. "Just because she's your charity case doesn't mean we both have to treat her like one."

Damon snarled and lunged at Jace. He tackled him to the ground and pinned him. Jace struggled and fought back, his eyes glowing gold. Not good.

"Damon, no!" I yelled.

He ignored me, his eyes blazing red.

I sped over and yanked Damon off, placing myself between the two brothers. "Knock it off, both of you!"

"He insulted you!" Damon argued.

"Yes, he insulted me, not you," I snapped.

Jace wiped blood from his mouth. "You asshole!"

They both took a step forward, pressing me between their chests. I could feel the testosterone blazing in the air, both boys fighting for dominance. How a vampire and werewolf would find out who's dominant, I did not want to find out.

"Alright, listen up, boys," I ordered. "Damon, you will not argue or fight with Jace. You will train me for vampirism. Jace, Damon is right. You weren't there when I first shifted. I killed a person, so you need to ease up on me. I'll train, but you need to lighten the fuck up first. Understood?"

They both fell silent.

"I didn't know you killed someone," Jace said quietly.

"You never gave me the chance to tell you," I said. "Now, let's get this done and over with. I've got better things to do with my time than playing warden for two idiots."

≈ ≈ ≈

I trained for three hours before dusk fell. I didn't shift, which I was thankful for. I went out of control when I was a wolf, so I didn't want to do that anymore. Besides, I was too angry to feel the pain the first time, so the second time I shift would be painful.

"You did great," Damon said as we walked back to the house.

"It was just fighting," Jace said. "Even I could dodge a few punches."

Damon's eyes flashed. "She did great, seeing as she just turned."

"Don't start, you two," I warned. "You both promised."

"Alright," Jace said. "I'm going to go shower. See you for dinner, Tyler?"

"She's vampire training tonight," Damon said.

"Seriously?" I asked. "I just got done with werewolf training."

"You need to learn to control the bloodlust," Damon said. "It'll be easier to control if you're worn out. Trust me, it'll be fine. I'll be there the entire time to make sure things don't get out of hand."

I hesitated but nodded. "Where are we going for this?"

"A club," Damon said. "Tons of people, bigger bloodlust. Go big the first time, than you'll be able to handle anything."

"That's what she said," Jace said, grinning.

I slapped him in the head. "I'm showering before we go."

"Good, be irresistible," Damon said.

"She already is," Jace said.

I blushed and darted up to the shower. I had enough of the two brothers for one night.

A/N: so sorry this update is so short and took so long! Don't hate me I have tons of other stories going on rn. Pic is of Jace, cuz why not? Comment and vote if you enjoyed! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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