Chapter 3

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A/N: I've made some changes to the story so now Tyler is gonna be a hybrid not a vampire storyline is still the same though

After running from Joie and receiving her scowls for the rest of the lunch period, school finally ended. I walked with Dylan to my sisters car and waves bye to him, avoiding his outstretched arms. I wasn't ready for the physical part of a relationship yet. And something about dating him felt wrong, but I ignored it. First relationship jitters.

I got in the car and immediately put on my headphones. I wasn't in the mood for any human contact at the moment. Then again, I never am.

I got home and immediately locked myself in my room. I never really come out of my room, and my parents never ask. Good thing, too.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard my phone buzz and saw a text from Dylan. I ignored it.

At first I was happy that he had asked me out, but now that I think about it, I wasn't ready for a relationship. I texted him back, saying it was too early for a relationship and I needed time to get to know him better before dating, and he was nice enough to understand.

It was a bitchy move, but I didn't care. If there's anything I've learned over the years is that being bitchy is how you get things done. Some are just more understanding than others.

I got a text from Joie asking me if I was still going to the Halloween Masquerade Ball the school was throwing on Friday, which was Halloween. I never really did dances, but I was going to this one for Joie. After all, it could be fun.

I texted back yes, and then there was a knock on my door. Confused, I answered it. To my surprise, it was Joie.

"Oh good, you're home," she said. "Now, we gotta pick our your outfit for the ball tomorrow!"

"We can't just wear jeans?" I asked, not wanting to abandon my pants.

"If I'm not wearing jeans, you aren't wearing jeans either, Tylie," Joie said. "Now come, let's look."

I groaned but helped her look through my closet. I'm such a good friend.

"What about this one?" I asked, holding up a casual blue dress.

Joie looked at it in disgust. "What, that rain jacket? No way!"

"Hey, this was a gift from my grandma," I said.

Joie gave me a look.

"Hey, I hate it," I said, throwing it out my window. The birds could have it.

Ten minutes later, Joie held up a pale green dress. "What about this one?"

"A mucus dress?" I said sarcastically. "I'd rather barf out my own lung."

Joie laughed. "Alright, last dress."

Thirty more minutes passed. Usually me and Joie agree on style, but Joie wants me to go all out for dances. Since I refuse to get a tattoo, Joie returns the favor by making me look fancy like. Friendship at its finest.

Finally, after ten cups of coffee and Panda Express, we found a dress.

"Definitely this one," Joie said, holding up a pretty red dress.

"I didn't know I still had that," I said. "My mom got me that for a wedding."

"So it's a yes?" Joie asked excitedly.

I nodded. "It's a yes."

"Yay!" Joie said, clapping happily.

I laughed. "Now your turn."

Finding Joie a dress took two hours. Mostly because we were too busy laughing and talking. The usual.

At the end, she decided on a pink and black dress. Not usually her style, but it's Joie. You never know with her, but you still gotta love her.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Joie asked.

"I dunno," I said. "What should two single ladies do on a night like this?"

"You're dating Dylan, aren't you?" Joie asked.

"Don't know him well enough," I said. "Besides, we're two different people."

"Just waiting for a blue eyed guy?" Joie teased.

I rolled my eyes. I've always had a thing for guys with blue eyes, and Joie makes fun of me for that. Jokes on her, though, because she has a thing for blue eyes too.

"Shut up." I hit her with a pillow.

Joie laughed and blocked my pillow smack with her hand. "Abusive!"

"Hey, you're my bitch, I gotta keep you in line," I teased.

"Don't abuse me," Joie fake cried.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I'll just slap you lightly."

Joie rolled her eyes. "Whatever Tylie."

"How'd that name start anyway?" I asked, taking a drink of my coffee (we were both on our fifteenth cup now).

"I don't know," Joie said. "I think it was in health and you weren't responding when I was calling your name so I started saying random names and you responded to Tylie."

"Oh yeah," I said.


A thought suddenly struck me. "Wait, how'd you get into my house?"

Joie laughed. "I made a copy of your house key ages ago. I also know where you hide your spare key."

"Oh," I said. "And you're just now telling me this?"

"Never came up."

"Yeah, the fact that you can break into my house never came up."

"Hey, you haven't called the cops yet."

"Yeah, yet."

"You're not gonna call the cops, you love me too much. Besides, you'd be in the jail cell with me."

"True," I agreed.

In the end, Joie somehow spent the night. I don't really know how it happened, I don't think she just ever went home. She practically lives here, she buys me clothes in her size for me for Christmas and leaves them here.

Best friends, right?

A/N: here's an update for you Joie. Pick on the left is Tyler's dress and pic on the right is Joie's

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