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T Y R A | ☁️

After the party ended, I went outside with Dominique and Jason. "What you got me?" Jason asked as he held my hand. "I can't tell you, you gotta open it when you get home boy." I shook my head. Kids nowadays were so impatient. "Okay I'm gone open it when I get home." I opened the car door for him in the backseat and stood by Dominique's driver seat.

Over the month, Dominique and I have been building a mature relationship. Before I couldn't stand his attitude, but he genuinely worked on it. Even though I worked for him, I considered him more like a close friend. "Thank you for popping out."

"Of course, that's my guy." I tickled Jason and he laughed. "You straight? You got a ride? You bought food for your mom?"

"Yes, yes, and yes. You don't have to keep checking on me, I told you I'm good." I chuckled. "Nah, I'm gone do it every time." Another thing I liked about it was that he was very helpful and respectful. I appreciated that about him. Always offering to help out. "I fuck with you though, you real. I love having you in my circle. I feel like I can tell you anything and you won't judge me for it." He randomly blurted out. "Of course, that's what friends are for. I'm glad you feel that way." I smiled. " I'm gone see you tomorrow?" I said to him as I noticed he kept eyeing me down. It made me super nervous.

"Yeah." I pulled him in for a full hug and he hugged me back, lowering his hands. We stood there for a second hugging each other, until I let go.

I think I see what Cece and Tamia was talking about.

Next Day

I woke up around 11 am. The first thing I was fix my bed, then I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I jumped into the shower, exfoliating and scrubbing all over my body. Afterwards, I dried myself and did my skincare routine before walking out of the bathroom. I took my hair out my bonnet and straightened it with my flat iron, comb, and spray. I felt in a good mood today, it was as if something good was going to happen today. I threw on my white zip up jumpsuit that had thumb holes, and my black Hermes sandals. We weren't going anywhere today, or so as I thought. I put my essentials in my black Chanel bag, and after spritzing perfume on myself I walked out. "Mom, I'm leaving." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was in the living room watching TV while reading her magazine.

"Okay, be safe baby." She squeezed my hand and Blue jumped on my feet. "Unt un Blue, you can't be getting my outfit dirty." I scratched her ears and she cooed before going back to her cage. "Where Tamia?" I asked. "She went out with her girls."

I nodded before heading out. Before I went to Dominique's place, I stopped by Starbucks for a quick refresher and biscuit sandwich.

"Heyyyyyy," I said as I unlocked Dominique's door. "Boy you lucky I fuck with you," he shook his head as he lowered his gun and put it back under his shirt. "Relax. Here I bought you something." I walked to the kitchen and after placing the drinks on the counter, I handed him the pineapple refresher. "Thank you." He grabbed it from my hand and took a sip. "It's alright," he titled his head. "Oh my goodness you are so damn picky." I rolled my eyes. "Let me try yours." He grabbed my drink. I hesitated at first, but then let him. He took a sip. "Oh yeah, I like this one."

"You only like that one cause I got it for me." "So?" He smirked. "Don't do that." I shook my head. "Do what?" He leaned back on the chair. He knew exactly what he was doing. "You look good." He moved his head to look at my outfit. "Thank you. Don't be giving me that look." I pointed out and stood up. Cause it seemed like he was looking at my ass.

"What look bro, yo ass weird."

I rolled my eyes when I looked away. I hated when he said that shit, as if he wasn't the weird one. "Nothing, nothing cause clearly you got no clue what I'm talking about." I shooed him off and sat on one of the chairs that were facing the counter. I had my leg up.

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