
137 13 1

TYRA | ☁️

atlanta, georgia
10:23 PM

I watched Dominique as he paid the cashier for the plan B. The ride from his Mom's was silent. Don't get me wrong, I actually had a good time. When Lashawn came back, we ate and also played card games and outside games as well. We left late, and clearly he thought I forgot but I didn't. I was going to take that Plan B.

I hated how stupid I could sound during sex, like why would I keep saying that and why would he cum in me? "Thank you, have a nice day." She handed him the receipt and he handed me the bag without saying anything.

I just knew he was upset. He had his hoodie on, and unlocked the car door. Damn, I respected him. Even when he was upset, he opened the door for me. He got into the car not saying a word. "Dominique, I—" "Nah, don't say shit to me." He started the car up and kept his hoodie on. "Look, I'm sorry. I just...I get out of control when it comes to you sometimes. I let my intrusive thoughts win."

"You really gone take that?" He pointed to the bag. "Yes!" "So if you don't want my kids, why fuck with me bro?" "I do want your kids, I just don't want to be pregnant right now." "Alright don't ask me to cum in you anymore." He backed out of the driveway and started to speed.

I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. "Matter fact, if that's how you feel we don't need to have sex anymore. Cause sometimes I just wanna cum in you but if you don't want that, I don't need to be having sex with you anyways." He blurted out. I gasped. "You did not just say that." I held my hands because if I didn't he would've got hit.

"I did." He looked me in my eyes. "Got me fucked up." He mumbled. "Whatever then. No sex in Paris." I agreed, knowing damn well I was annoyed. "You damn right." He said and I started to get mad, but of course I wasn't going to show him that.

"Just drop me off, I got packing to do anyways." Our flight left tomorrow at 7. I was fairly sleepy and I just couldn't handle this conversation right now. As before, the ride to my place was silent. As I opened the door to get out, I looked back at him.



• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"You look too good." I recorded Ced on the plane as he showed off his chains. He wanted me to record and take his pictures. It was too early for this shit.

After Dominique dropped me off last night, I literally ran upstairs to take the pill. After, I took a hot shower and went straight to sleep. I didn't even pack until this morning. It was 6:54 AM. I literally woke up two hours beforehand to pack. Luckily, I already knew what I wanted to wear to Paris. I was so excited!

To see the Eiffel Tower, visit all the restaurants and tourist attractions. The thought of Dominique made my stomach churn. Just a few weeks ago, we talked about going to Paris and spending a lot of time together. But after yesterday, I seriously doubt it. I mean, he was really mad. I've never seen him this mad before.

I just hope we could put all that aside and get back to work. After all, this was about him, not me. He had plenty of things to worry about besides me and I wasn't going to let our "situation-ship drama" jeopardize that. Strictly business.

But could I? I mean, I loved him. I fell hard and he did too. I just felt really bad for doing him like that yesterday. I was so damn clumsy, like girl why would you tell that man to cum in you? Technically, it was really my fault.

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