Kiss In The Rain

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"I can't believe after all this time hating Adrien, you've not only forgiven him but you're now in a 'sort of' relationship with him and you've also slept with him. In a week, Marinette! In... a... week!" Alya shook her head, settling into a chair in Kagami's back garden.

They were making the most of the weather whilst they could. A rainstorm was due to hit in just under an hour's time, and knowing the weather in England that could mean any moment now. Alya continued to scroll through her phone as she spoke, used the opportunity to travel into central London and catch a show – she just needed to find the right one.

"Sexual tension," Kagami responded with a smug grin. "We've all been saying it for years! Also, everyone knows Adrien has been hot for Marinette since he hit puberty – maybe even before."

"Let's be honest. We've all been hot for Marinette," Alya said with a laugh, Kagami raised her glass in agreement before placing it to her lips.

Rolling her eyes, Marinette stood up and moved away from the others and back into the kitchen. Kagami and Félix's house was incredible. From the kitchen it had huge bifold doors which were the perfect welcoming onto a patio and into their tiny London garden. When she found out about the job and her new life she'd be starting in London, she couldn't help but dream of a house like this.

Finally inside, Marinette searched around the kitchen for where she'd placed her phone. She hadn't spoken to Mr Unknown much since starting things up with Adrien, the whole idea of texting another man whilst being in this 'relationship' with Adrien just seemed so wrong. She'd held back as much as possible; however, she couldn't help but wish he'd drop her a message every now and again. She missed her Kitty.

Continuing to look, Marinette lifted the many scattered items on the worktops and checked underneath for the object. If she hadn't missed a message of Chat Noir, maybe she'd missed one from Adrien. They'd only been separated for 24 hours, but she was missing him like crazy. She was addicted to him. His hugs, his kisses, his body. Just him in general.

"Al, can you call my phone please? I can't find it." Marinette shouted out into the garden.

"What's wrong?" Kagami said, walking into the kitchen and straight to another bottle of wine. "Looking to see if 'lover boy' has messaged you?"

Alya followed in shortly after. "Does he actually have your number now?"

Marinette rolled her eyes and continued her search. "Yes, he does. He took it from me yesterday and said he'll message me today."

"And the suspense is killing you, so you want to find your phone and check, then whine to us when you don't have anything from him. I'll save you the hassle now. He's a guy! He will have forgotten that he said he was going to text you." Alya pulled Marinette's phone from her pocket and waved it in front of her. "He's probably too busy celebrating his accomplishments with the guys."

"How long have you had that?" She snatched the phone out of her friend's hand.

"Long enough to know you're about level 8 on the stalker chart."

Kagami smiled and poured herself another glass of wine. "Leave her alone, this is her first proper boyfriend since she was 14. We should be celebrating too."

"To Marinette and Adrien doing the naked tango!" Alya announced, raising her glass to clink with Kagami's.

As the girl's continued to discuss Marinette's newly reformed womanhood, the girl in question couldn't help but look at her phone. There was a message from an unknown number, one which sent a prickle of panic down her spine.

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