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Hello, as seen this is a book about Stray Kids (plus a few other groups) in a Maze Runner AU. In this the maze runner series never existed, it's just the world they're in. Also disclaimer, if you see the word Minho, I'm talking about Lee Minho/Lee Know, not the character from the actual Maze Runner series. Enjoy :]

Basic understanding of the universe of "The Maze Runner" series if you don't know it (I'm just going to tell what the people in the maze know so there aren't spoilers if you haven't read/watched it). A group of kids-young adults are in the center of a maze. Nobody knows how they got there or why, the only thing the know is there's a lift that opens every month in the middle of their area (white is like a small forest with a field and creek in it and walls surrounding them) that drops off supplies, and sometimes people. These people have their memory erased so they dont know who they are, though their memories can come back over time enough to figure out names and maybe images and dreams of their past before the maze. every morning an area of the stone walls around their area open and people assigned runners, run into the maze to map out and plan it to find out an escape, but they must return before nightfall when the doors close or they will be locked in with the monsters that roam the area. Only few are chosen to be runners, most are farmers, teachers, lumbers/constructers, and more. And that's pretty much all, they just have one goal, to escape the maze.


>Bang Chan<

>Bang Chan<

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- Channie

- 21

- In Stray Kids (the name of the planning and leadership board)

- Leader of District 9 (their maze name)

- Lead Runner

- Very Protective

- Arrived when he was 10

- Assigns groups

- Planner

>Lee Know<

>Lee Know<

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Run // Stray Kids Maze Runner AU (Minsung + Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now