What's Your Password? | 🥰

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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic)

Summary: Yelena asks you help her with an email but you're too distracted by her choice in passwords.

Word count: 0.8K

Warnings: Language

Author Comments: I really miss Yelena so here's a little idea that came to mind. I'm using a prompt from my prompt list which can be read here. Enjoy! 

"Y/n are you busy?" Yelena's thick Russian accent distracted you from the trashy magazine you were reading

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"Y/n are you busy?" Yelena's thick Russian accent distracted you from the trashy magazine you were reading. "Is it more important than the drama between Kim and Kayne?" you asked, slightly looking up from the article you were reading. "The what?" Yelena questioned. You gave a look as if to say "how don't know you?" but then you realised, she wouldn't know. "Nothing, it was a joke, what's up?" you smiled, placing the magazine on the table. "I made an online order and I need to email the store about making a return but I'm not sure how I do that" she explained, slightly embarrassed that she needed to even ask for help. "Sure, let me just get my laptop" you wondered into your room and returned with your laptop.

"Okay, what's your password?" you asked her as you opened the email site.

"Capital A" Yelena sat down next to you as you started typing. "American P the letter 1 for the i then e" she explained, "oh, no spaces" she added. "Is that seriously your password?" you chuckled. "What? I like the song, it's a very good song" she reasoned. "Yelena, a password is supposed to be unguessable" you turned to her. "That's exactly why I added a 1 and no the i" she spoke proudly. "Okay, but that's still easy to guess" you pressed enter on your keyboard and then waited for the page to open. "What would you have me make it?" Yelena asked, confused as to how anybody could be able to guess her current password.

"Ooo, my order arrived!" you both heard a similar voice enter the room. Both of you turn around to face Yelena's older sister. "What? You changed my order?!" Yelena's tone sounded annoyed. "What? No, I would never do that" Natasha smirked. "See Yel, this is exactly what I was explaining" you chuckled at Yelena's expression. "How did you change my order, Natasha?" Yelena asked. Natasha looked at the two of you as she placed the combat boots back in their box. "American Pie, no spaces and 1 replacing the i pie," Natasha said confidently as she closed the box. "What?! How?! That is not fair!" Yelena stood from her chair, walking over to the box of boots, taking them in her hand before Natasha could. "Yelena, you have 3 passwords, all are so easy to guess. Mac&chesse with one capital S, AmericanPie and hot sauce but a zero instead of an o" Natasha tried to hide the smirk that claimed her face for a moment. Yelena looked back between you and Natasha, "That is not fair! I thought that were good passwords, I remember them easily" she spoke.

"Yel, it's fine. Nobody cares that much" you tried to calm her. "Will you change it for me?" she asked you. "No... I think it's cute" you replied, Natasha couldn't contain her amusement as she looked at Yelena. "You can't change it, Yelena, it's a lifetime password," Natasha said. "Oh, Shit! Is it really that easy?!" Yelena started to stress over Natasha's lifetime password joke. You and Natasha just shrugged at her, "Блядь! (fuck)" she spoke in Russian as she closed the lid to your laptop and took it under her arm, "Maybe Tony can help me!" she added before storming out with your laptop and Natasha's new boots. You and Natasha laughed to yourselves once she left the room.

"Should we tell her?" you asked Natasha, still giggling to yourself. "Something about Tony explaining all this to her is funny to me, so no. Let's let Tony explain it to her" Natasha spoke between laughing. "He's going to hate us" you replied. "He already does!"

*2 hours later*

You and Natasha we're making your way to the gym to train together, "How do you think Tony is going?" you asked Natasha with a chuckle. "Y/n, Natasha, come here please!" you heard Tony's voice behind you both. Turning slowly to meet his glare. "Yes Mr Stark?" you said sarcastically. Tony made his way closer to you and Natasha. "The time you both want to torment Yelena, make sure your own passwords are...what did you call it? Unguessable?" he spoke sternly, annoyed that he'd spent his time explaining to Yelena how passwords are not always a set lifetime password. The smirks dropped from your and Natasha's faces, "Oh come on Tony it was a little bit of fun!" you pleaded. "I just spent an hour and a half with Yelena after the two of you made fun of her passwords, even though her passwords weren't safe at all, you didn't have to send her to me!" he explained. "Well, actually, Yelena went to you on her own" Nat added. "Your sister, you deal with her next time" Tony spoke before walking away.

"Do you think he knows that he only has the password to our work emails?" you smirked to Natasha who chuckled, "I don't think he knows we even have another email" she replied.

"Oh, I know!" Tony shouted back. You and Natasha looked back at each other, "shit" you mumbled before the two of you broke into another laughing fit.

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