Come Closer | ✨ | 💥

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Pairing: Military! Yelena Belova x Fem! Nurse! Reader

Summary: After returning from deployment, Yelena's closest friend, Kate convinces her to join her on vacation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she finally talks to somebody she's seen a few times before.

Angst | Fluff | Mentions of War | Mentions of Drinking | PTSD | 1.6K |

AC: Yes, I am biased towards Rio, let me have this one!! & This is lightly inspired by the song, Come Close by Omah Lay. Enjoy x

The loud sound of samba music filled the city of Rio de Janeiro as the public came together as one to celebrate the popular and color event of carnival. Kate Bishop, Yelena's best friend dragged the blonde on vacation in hopes it would cheer up the soldier after a rough few months away from deployment.

"Are you sure you're not coming?" Kate asked with an almost disappointed pout. Her friend looked up from her phone and nodded, "yeah, I don't think the large crowd will be good for me. I'm just going to take a walk along the beach and grab a drink at a bar, but you have fun" Yelena smiled, seeing the disappointment in Kate's eyes.

"Carnival is one of the biggest events here, you can't miss it!" Kate tried to convince the young blonde, "there will be plenty of things to keep you distracted! Music, dancing, the parade, drinks!" she added. Yelena chuckled kindly at the gesture of her friend's enthusiasm about the popular carnival, "I'm sure, besides, I just got rid of a headache so I think some fresh, ocean air will do me some good" Yelena assured the brunette, "but I will walk with you to the taxi" Yelena added as she stood from the hotel room sofa.

"I'll wait for you" Kate smiled in reply.


Yelena walked Kate to her taxi before making her way to the famous, Copacabana beach. The night was lit up by streetlights along with passing cars, restaurants and cafes that were open till late for the week. The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline brought a calmness to Yelena as she wandered along the path, admiring the sights of Rio as she passed by many carnival goers.

Colorful lights could be seen from a distance as the famous carnival made its presence known with the loud music washing through the city. A smile tugged at Yelena's lips when she realized how free the people of Rio were during this time, how happy and excited everybody was made her appreciate her time here just a little more. After a while, Yelena stopped at and made herself comfortable at one of the beach bars.

"What can I get you?" you asked the blonde with a soft, welcoming smile. Yelena's eyes slightly shot open at the sight of you, she smiled lightly and replied, "two shots of vodka, please".

"You know, you're the only person I've seen tonight that isn't dressed up for carnival" you spoke as you poured two shot glasses of vodka. Yelena chuckled, "Yeah, I don't think it's really my scene right now" she replied with a pause, "I just got back from deployment" she added after a few short moments of silence before downing her first shot.

"Well, in that case, here, it's on the house" you smiled softly and poured her a third shot and slid it over to her. The blonde looked familiar to you but you couldn't quite put your finger on it, her beautiful green eyes were filled with worry and sadness, a look you'd seen one too many times before. Yelena downed her second shot before letting out a light sigh when some of the street goers let off illegal fireworks.

Gently, you placed a hand over the hand Yelena had resting on the bar, "it's okay" you spoke softly as your thumb stroked over her soft skin. She looked up at you and nodded ever so lightly as she tried to drain out the few moments of loud banging. Once the fireworks were over, you looked up at the time. You only had 5 minutes left of your shirt before somebody would come and take over your spot.

Yelena Belova One Shots.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora