Request - Rage Room | 💥 | ✨

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Anonymous asked: hi can you please write a Yelena x reader where reader has had a bad day so Yelena comforts her?

Summary: After a bad couple of days, Yelena offers to help you release built up tension.

| Angst & Fluff | 1.4K | Talks of mental health and issues related around it | Mentions of sex | light language warning |

AC: I originally wrote this as a platonic relationship but it kind of went it's own way...I hope you enjoy! 

Be a part of the Avengers has its perks but it's also draining, mentally and physically

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Be a part of the Avengers has its perks but it's also draining, mentally and physically. It didn't matter that you've been a part of the team for almost 5 years, you still weren't used to the days when everything would catch up to you. Always making sure you put your all into everything you did from training to taking missions no matter how big or small, the constant feeling of trying to prove your worth to the team always got to you. Never did you have to prove yourself like you think you did, the team loved you and you are family to them but maybe it was just something you did to keep yourself distracted.

You got along with everybody well, some better than most. You considered Yelena one of your closest friends, even though she wasn't technically apart of the Avengers you both still managed to grow closer.


"Earth to Y/n" Yelena clicked her fingers in front of your face as you stared into the distance. "Huh? Oh sorry" you blinked to refresh your eyes. "You've been spacey a lot lately. Is everything okay?" she asked in her thick Russian accent. "Yeah, just fine" you poorly lied causing Yelena to frown at you. "Want to try that again?" she offered.

You sighed, "I've just been stressed a bit lately and today just isn't one of my best"

"Is it something I can help with?"

"I don't think so...I mean, I'm just tired like all the time...then I start to overthink everything and read into people too much like this morning I swear Tony was mad with me over something so that's been playing on my mind a bit and then yesterday Natasha refused to take me on that week on mission her, Clint and Kate just left for which just made me overthink more – "

"Natasha didn't let you go because you're overworking yourself in training and you barely rest" Yelena pointed out after cutting you off.

"That's crap!" you spat, "I've just been trying to get rid of this built-up tension I have!"

"Overworking yourself isn't going to do that but I know something that would"

"Yelena, I don't want to sleep with some random just to feel better" you tilted your head at her.

"What? No, that's not what I meant" Yelena shook her head, "even if you did have sex, I don't think that would do much" she joked.

"Ha ha, very funny" you rolled your eyes.

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