The Hunters Stand | 💥

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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader (Zombie Apocalypse AU)

Summary: Searching for supplies, you're caught off guard and surrounded by one too many zombies for you to take down by yourself.

Warnings: Language Warning, Gore (blood & beheading), Death (Zombies), Mentions of an animal carcass | 1.6K

"Canned goods" you mumbled to yourself as you quietly walked through the aisles of what used to be a gas station. It's been days since the camp you were staying at was split up, a heard of lurkers as you called them ripped through the camp outnumbering those you were staying with. It was moments like those that made you thankful that you were alone, you didn't have to worry about losing your loved ones, that has already happened. It was just you, you against the lurkers and occasionally finding kind enough people to let you camp with them.

The gas station had seen better days, shelves empty only leaving behind things that people didn't need, dirty and leaves covered the once white flooring, the cash registrar had been looted which always made you shake your head, who needs money in an apocalypse? You'd ask yourself. Windows broken and advertising posters showed weather damage, the building was dark and almost a little too silent as you carefully took one step after another, careful not to stand on anything that would make a sudden noise.

"Please don't be opened! Please!" you whispered softly to yourself as the sight of a chocolate bar came to your sight. Maybe today was your day as you reached for the sweet treat from the shelf to find it was still in its packaging and a bonus, only a few months past it's due date. How somebody missed this, you didn't know but you didn't care. It went straight into your backpack for a rainy day.

Knowing you wouldn't find anything else worth taking, you left the gas station and followed the road, careful of your surroundings until you came to the sight of a small town. It wasn't smart to enter a town by yourself, no matter how big or small it was, lurkers came in groups and if you weren't quick enough, you'd become one. But the grumble of your stomach reminded you just how hungry you were and with night approaching, you'd need to be quick if you were going to find a safe place to camp for the night.

The smell of death covered the town, a smell you'd grown to get used to. It was worse when there were decomposing bodies around, especially in houses where the smell was almost trapped within the walls. You covered your mouth and nose with a bandana before entering the already broken into home, the smell wasn't as strong given the bandana but still enough to make your stomach turn. You kept low, away from windows and crept as quietly as you could. Lurkers outside in the streets could be alerted to any suspicious sound that would alert them a living meal was only meters away.

Luck was really in your favor today, finding two unopened cans of canned peaches was the highlight of your week, right away finding the chocolate bar. You stashed them into your backpack and left the house the same way you entered. You nearly jumped 10 feet into the air when a raccoon rushed by you, "fuck!" You accidentally let slip. Within seconds the harsh sound of lurker's groaning came rushing towards you, their arms out ready to grab their next meal.

"Fucks sake! Stupid raccoon!" You muttered as you reached for your weapon, a rusted machete. Lurkers came at you from every direction, swinging your machete at them you were able to behead a few and stab a few more between their decomposing eyes. With the commotion brought lurker after lurker, you were more than outnumbered. Your eyes quickly searched for an opening to make a run for it until a dark figure joined the fight, taking down more lurkers that you could within seconds.

Blue taser like electric gently lightened up the era, lurkers falling to the ground one by one as you watched for a brief moment in starstruck at the mysterious figure with mind blowing combat moves.

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