Request - Shh! | ✨

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Anonymous asked: hi love your fics. can you write 80. "Shh! She's sleep talking!" with Yelena x reader please?

Summary: After a long day at work, Yelena finds you curled up on the sofa peacefully sleeping.

Fluff | 0.7K | No warnings |

Prompt: "Shh! She's sleep talking!" From list.

Translation: tykva (pumpkin), lyubov' (love), милый (cute)

AC: I've currently been binge watching 'Manifest' on Netflix so I'll use that for this fic.

AC: I've currently been binge watching 'Manifest' on Netflix so I'll use that for this fic

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"Agh!" you groaned kicking off your shoes and hanging up your handbag. "Are you okay tykva?" Yelena called from the kitchen. You followed the smell of dinner and smiled when you saw Yelena trying her best to have dinner ready for the 3 of you. 3 meaning Kate Bishop had recently moved in as a roommate.

"Just a long day" you pouted before slumping down on the bar stood behind the island in the kitchen. "Do you want a warm bath or anything? I think dinner is still a little while off" Yelena lent over and kissed your lips softly. Shaking your head with the softest smile, "No, I just want have dinner and go to bed, I'm so tired" you replied.

"Do you want a drink while you wait?" Yelena asked already grabbing you a glass.

"I'd love one" you nodded.

As you waited for dinner, found yourself curled up on the sofa under a throw blanket watching Netflix. It wasn't long until Yelena heard the soft tired snores coming from your body as she placed 3 plates of dinner on the table. Kate just arrived home and jumped in the house while Yelena ate dinner, leaving you to sleep.

When Kate was finished with dinner, she joined Yelena and yourself in the living room, Yelena was sitting on the same sofa you were laying on, but she placed your legs over her lap while Kate took the armchair.

"What are we watching?" Kate smiled; unaware you were asleep.

"I think it's Manifest, the show Y/n has been watching recently" Yelena replied, scrolling through her phone.

"Ooo, I've heard about this! Is it good?"

"I don't know" Yelena shrugged, "I haven't been paying attention" she adds.

"Of course, you haven't" Kate chuckled, "what season are we on?"

"Uhm" Yelena paused the program for just a second, "season 2" she replied before pressing play again.

"Damn it, I can't start from season two! I'm going to go have a shower anyways" she smiled before wandering off the bathroom. Yelena remained in her own little world, scrolling through her phone on countless clothing stores that suited her fashion taste.

~ "I put them on your desk" ~ you mumbled in your sleep, catching Yelena's attention.

"Huh?" she looked over to you with a slightly confused look, "lyubov'?" she questioned when you didn't respond.

~ "Does it matter? I like cupcakes" ~

Yelena chuckled quietly to herself when she realised you were sleep talking. She put her phone down and watched you in awe as you spoke about things that made absolutely no sense.

~ "You can't tell Yelena, she'll death stare me for eating too many" ~

~ "Don't be childish, you can't have any" ~

~ "I think we should buy a boat" ~

~ "I really want a boat" ~

~ "You get the keys; I'll get the shoes" ~

As the minutes went on, your conversation with yourself got more and more amusing to Yelena and every now and then she'd say something to you only to have you replied with something that nothing to do with what Yelena said.

~ "We have to save the ants!" ~

"Why are we saving the ants?" Kate returned with a raised eyebrow.

"Shh! She's sleep talking!" Yelena hushed her friend and roommate.

"Oh god, again?" Kate slumped down into the armchair once again.

"We're gone from putting stuff on desks to cupcakes to buying a boat to shoes and now to ants" Yelena explained in a whisper.

"Y/n" Kate whispered.

"What are you doing Bishop?" Yelena looked to her.

"Who's your best friend? Kate or Yelena?" Kate asked you.

~ "Lucky is a good boy" ~ you mumbled in reply.

"HA!" Yelena slipped and quickly covered her mouth. You stirred and slowly became awake; Kate was quietly laughing to herself as you sat up.

"What's so funny?" you asked, rubbing your eyes. "Kate asked you who your best friend is out of us two and you said Lucky" Yelena chuckled. Your cheeks went red with slight embarrassment, "don't laugh" you playfully shook your head, "you both know I get embarrassed about my sleep talking"

"Don't be, it's милый" Yelena replied giving you a soft smile.

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