Request - Forgotten | ✨ | 💥

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Summary: It seems everybody important to you has forgotten your birthday, well, not everybody.

| Fluff & Angst | 1.7K |

AC: Yelena would be so annoyed at everybody for forgetting!

*This is a request from my old blog*

Mornings at the compound weren't so bad, everybody gets up in their own time, makes breakfast whenever they feel, some rather wait until lunch but one thing you've always been so thankful for is that there will always be hot coffee waiting

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Mornings at the compound weren't so bad, everybody gets up in their own time, makes breakfast whenever they feel, some rather wait until lunch but one thing you've always been so thankful for is that there will always be hot coffee waiting. Some mornings you rather a nice tea or hot chocolate but today was a coffee type of day.

It's your birthday and you couldn't wait to spend it with those you loved the most. For years you hated your birthday but after joining the Avengers, they made your day special as it always should've been.

"Good morning" you smiled happily to Steve as he read the paper, "Somebody seems happy this morning, get a good sleep, did we?" he lowered the newspaper. "Something like that" you replied as you poured a mug of coffee. One thing you didn't feel comfortable with was reminding people for absolutely anything. It's awkward and uncomfortable to say the least.

Steve returned this attention to the newspaper, so you took your coffee outside where Wanda, Vision, and Scott were enjoying their breakfast.

"Morning all" you happily sang.

"Good morning!" Vision matched your tone.

"Morning" Wanda smiled.

"Say that again at 12 and say good afternoon" Scott grumbled. He was never much of a morning person, so you let his mood slip.

"Don't be like that Scott!" You gave him a slight nudge as you sipped your coffee.

"What's your plans today, Y/n?" Wanda asked as she took a mouthful of her oatmeal.

"I'm not sure yet, I'm free pretty much all day though" you replied with a smile, "what about you guys?" you added.

"Well, we were meant to have the day off, but Natasha has other plans" Wanda explained.

"Agh don't remind me!" Scott rolled his eyes, Wanda chuckled.

"You guys ready? I'm not in the mood to be wasting time today, we have to do this" Natasha spoke as she walked up to the table. "Morning" you smiled at her, "good morning" she replied before looking between the three other Avengers. Vision, Wanda and Scott slowly stood up from their seats and walked back inside.

"Hey, wait" you stopped Nat.

"What's up?" she turned around to face you.

"Do you need me?" you asked.

"Not today" she gave you a soft smile before following the others.

Part of you thought maybe they were planning a surprise party and that's why you weren't needed, maybe that would explain why you started to feel everybody so far had forgotten what today was.

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