Request - For Her | 💥

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Anonymous asked: would you be able to do something with reader being an older sister to yelena? being able to be there for her when natasha couldn't. or her being there for both of them in ohio and doing her best to protect them? preferably happy endings but whatever you think is best. totally okay if you can't <3.

Summary: It's been a while since you last saw any of your younger sisters until Yelena shows up unannounced.

Angst | Comfort | End Game Talk | Mentions of Drinking | 0.6K

AC: I really liked this idea and wanted to give it a little twist, I hope that's okay and you still enjoy this!  

AC: I really liked this idea and wanted to give it a little twist, I hope that's okay and you still enjoy this!  

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The loud knocking on your front door only got louder the longer you ignored it. "Y/n, please, I know you're in there" the familiar voice made you slowly approach the wooden door with caution before gripping the handle tightly, nothing could prepare you for family reunion that had played on your mind for many years.

"Yelena? W-what are you doing here? You" you paused as you let your eyes take in the now grown-up features of your youngest sister, "you're older" you said softly. "I need to tell you something, it's important" the blonde ignores your comment as she brushes by you inviting herself in. "Sure, I mean it's only been what? 5 years?" you mumble, taken back by your sisters need to rush into your home. You followed the young woman into your living room, she's unable to stand still and by the look in her eyes you now felt guilty for your sarcastic comment.

"Yelena" you step forward and slowly place a hand on her shoulder, "take a moment, whatever it is, we'll work it out" you offer as concern and worry quickly became the only emotions you could feel. Yelena shook her head as she did her best to blink away her building tears, you've never seen her likes this. "Lena, what's going on? are you hurt?" you ask as your eyes quickly trace over her figure for any signs of a wound.

"No" she turns to you and for a moment if felt like you could read everything that was racing through her mind. Her jaw clenches and her palms start to sweat just as quickly as the tears become free from her eyes. "It's Natasha" the words coming from her lips full of pain, you didn't need her to finish the sentence, but she does.

"She's gone, Y/n" your youngest sister breaks, finally for the first time. She drops to her knees but not before you can catch her as your own heart breaks into a million pieces for the beautiful red head you are proud to call your sister. "She's really gone" Yelena's sobs are too much for you to hold yourself together as you take her into your arms, allowing the two of you to cry in the safety of each other's arms.


Opening a bottle of vodka with tears still freely falling down your cheek, you pour three shots, one for Natasha, regardless of the situation. Yelena is quick to down the liquor down her throat shortly before you. "What happened?" you asked, breaking the silence as you pour the two of you another shot.

"Thanos happened" Yelena picks up her shot, "Natasha sacrificed herself to save the world" she adds earning a huff and a shake of your head, "Of course she did, it's who she is" you reply refusing to talk about Natasha in past tense. "You know, will Red Room and everything we've been through...I don't understand" Yelena looks at you, her eyes almost searching yours for answers you weren't sure you had.

"Understand what?" you ask, taking a seat at the small dining table.

"Why" Yelena shrugs, "Is it selfish of me to wonder why her?" she adds downing her second shot. "Of course not, but, I don't think it would've mattered" you paused to look at your broken sister, doing your best to now keep yourself together for the sake of her. "Natasha had a mind of her own and we both know if given the chance to do good, she was going to do it. I don't think you or I would've been able to stop her sacrificing herself if it meant saving everybody who turned to dust" you added with truth to your words.

"But" Yelena shakes her head, "I wanted more time with her".

"I know, I did too" you slowly stood from your seat and made your way over to Yelena, "she did it to bring you back and for her we have to make that worth it" you wrapped the blonde in a hug ignoring how much she couldn't stand hugs, "for her" Yelena whispered softly to herself.

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