A Widow's Bestfriend | ✨

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Summary: It's Yelena birthday and for weeks you struggled to find her a gift. Finally when you did decide on a gift you worried she would like it, she proved you wrong.

Fluff | 1.7K |

Translation: detka (baby), ангел (angel),

AC: This is a little part 2 to Tiny Little Surprise because I enjoyed that a little more than I should've, and I thought of a little part two. As always, enjoy xx

You were used to waking up around 8-8:30am in a lonely bed, Yelena got up pretty early to train most days but since you surprised her with the little puppy you share with her, she gets up at 6 am just to take her for a morning run

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You were used to waking up around 8-8:30am in a lonely bed, Yelena got up pretty early to train most days but since you surprised her with the little puppy you share with her, she gets up at 6 am just to take her for a morning run. You never heard a peep out of the two of them, maybe because Yelena was a trained spy and knew how to get around without making a sound but Franny? That little girl could bark! She'd park at the fridge until you caved in and gave her some extra raw chicken when Yelena wasn't looking or she'd bark at the birds that would sometimes sit outside the living room window, almost like they were teasing her.

But this morning you were up at 7:30am, it's Yelena's birthday and you wanted to make it special for her like you've successfully done each year since being together. You enjoyed baking and would bake her all her favourite things before making her all-time favourite meal for dinner, mac and cheese with hot sauce. How your lover never got sick of the dish was beyond you.

Walking into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from your eyes you smiled once you saw a fresh pot of coffee calling your name. Yelena knew what you'd be up too today and made sure you had everything you needed. The fridge was stocked, the pantry was overflowing, and the dishwasher was empty, ready for all the mess you'd soon be making. Sitting at the island, drinking your coffee the thought of Yelena seeing the gift you got her worried you. You stressed for weeks trying to find something, Yelena never asked for anything, and she never hinted for things. This made her the most stressful person to buy for. You settle for a couple of small gifts hoping she'd like them, if not you just hoped that Franny was enough to distract her from your poor choices.

The sound of keys rattled at the front door with a muffled voice, "hang on Fran, let me open the door first". You giggled to yourself knowing that Franny could probably smell the evidence of something cooking and she wanted to lick the floor clean of any drops. Franny was still only a couple of months old and her energy matched Yelena's like a missing puzzle piece. A little bark came from the hall, following by the pattering of Franny's paws running towards you. "Hi chubby girl" you chuckled once you saw the ball of fur sitting patiently at your feed, her tailing wagging in hopes you give her any crumb you had to offer. "Sorry baby but there isn't anything up here for you today" you looked down at her as if she understood the word no.

"Good morning" Yelena smiled as she entered the kitchen. You dropped the rolling pin and quickly brushed your hands on your apron before turning to Yelena. She placed her hands softly on your hips as you wrapped yours around her neck. "Happy Birthday my love" you smiled, kissing her soft lips with care. "Thank you, detka" she nervously smiled. Birthdays weren't exactly normal to Yelena yet. She wasn't sure the exact date of her birthday, only the year, this is all thanks to the events of Red Room and them destroying her birth certificate. You told her to pick any day of the year and it would officially be her day. Once she picked, you marked on the calendar, February 20th, Yelena's Birthday.

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