Asking for help from Uncle Eddie

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After going a round the town with Wally, you decided to go back home and you went bed because you had met your social capacity. You weren't exactly able to fully relax in many years, so you kinda just felt tired and exhausted. You took a nap for a while and kind of just sat there doing nothing for a good while before you felt a quite familiar weighted emotion and you went to your art room and got out an easel, paint, brushes, and a canvas. As you swiped away at the canvas with your brush, you could feel the emotion leave you and when you were done, you were left with a disturbing image of Barnaby with his head missing and Wally standing in front of him.

You sighed and let the painting dry before you then put it in the attic, not to be looked at again (hopefully)

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You sighed and let the painting dry before you then put it in the attic, not to be looked at again (hopefully).

After all that, you also decided to make some tea and start to make dinner, which you took with you back to your uncle Eddie's house and you knocked on the door. "Hey, Y/N! You look... You look like as if you just watched a murder... are you okay?" He asked you and you looked away. "Sorta... I think I'm having a hard time adjusting to the town... I brought dinner... I thought it would be nice to have someone to eat with..." You said nervously and he let you come inside. "So... What's up?" He asked as you put down the pot and walked over to him. You hugged him and he hugged back for a while until you decided to let go, crying quietly. "Hey, hey, it's alright! You're okay..." Eddie comforted as he hugged you again and you cried harder. "Hey, how about we talk over dinner?" He asked and you nodded and sat at the table and served the delicious food that you had made.

You both ate silently for a while before he decided to ask you what was the matter.
"Y/N... What's the matter? You haven't seemed to be the happiest person lately... I just... I'm worried." He said to you softly and you look away, gently curling a small strand of your H/C hair.

"I... I have been going through a lot lately... and I'm scared about one of these things that I do when I feel this heavy feeling... It happens when I paint, but sometimes when I'm drawing too... I... I don't know what it means, but I think that I want to let you go through my paintings at some point... I don't like looking at them..." You said and he blinked before giving you a small smile. "Alright... I can do that, but why don't you like seeing your own art work?" He asked and you give him a look of terror. "It's not me painting them..." you say, trembling slightly and he is immediately taken aback. "Well... Wally seems to know some things about paintings and such... maybe we can a-." He was cut off by you yelling "No!" And starting to cry and scratch at yourself. "N-No, n-not him... not him... m-maybe house, but not Wally... H-He makes me feel... strange." You say and he rubs your shoulder comfortingly. "Thank you for telling me that you needed help... It was very brave of you..." he says with a soft smile and you stop trembling and calm down. "Please don't tell anyone... I don't think it's safe to..." You say and he pulls you into another hug, letting you cry your heart out until he eventually walked you back home and let you go to bed.

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