The art room...

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As you finished up dinner, you started to hear screams from your art room and rushed over to the room and found Julie and Sally cowering in fear from all of a distorted paint monster that was coming from the painting you weren't exactly finished with. You jumped in front of them, cut your hand, and then splashed your blood on the monster, making it completely dissolve into a puddle of blood.

"Are you two alright?! I told you not to ago into here! I... Are you hurt...?" You asked them and they hugged you and started to cry. It was clear that they were scared, but you did warn them. Julie was bleeding a bit, but you didn't say anything as you simply moved them out of the art room and got the first aid kit.

Once you finished patching them up, you served dinner and sighed as you sat down. "I did tell you not to go in there..." you said as you bandaged your hand and they just silently ate. You didn't want them to go in there... but it happened... how were you supposed to explain that you have a depression painting monster?! You looked at them somberly and decided to give them both a comforting hug. "I am sorry that you had to witness that... I am just glad that you are both safe..." you said and they started to cry again. you didn't bother telling them to keep it a secret since now it was quite obvious to everyone that you were very... peculiar.

After they left... they never saw you the same again.

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