THE PAINtings.

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After a few days of recuperating from your "therapy session" with your uncle Eddie, you had ended up painting many more paintings than you wanted, each showing someone's death or someone that you don't even know dying and storing them into the attic. You don't know for how long you had been cooped up in your house, but you felt that it already needed to be aired out and you decided to just that as well as washing some clothes and drying them outside.
After you put them out, you decided to call your Uncle Eddie... You wanted to finally get rid of the paintings.

"Hey, Uncle Eddie? I think I'm ready to get rid of some of these paintings... do you think you could come over at some point today?" You asked and you heard shuffling on the other end of the phone. "Yeah, I just have a few packages left, but then I can come over. Are you still sure that you don't want me to bring anyone?" He asked and you paused before sighing. "I guess you could bring someone... I just want these things gone..." You said quietly and he said goodbye and you had enough time to go to Howdy's and you got some groceries as well as some of your favorite snacks and drinks and then you went home, throwing out old food and refilling your refrigerator with new food.

You heard a knock on your door and opened it to see Eddie there with Wally... why him of all people?! His eyes gave you the creeps...
"Hey, Uncle Eddie... Hey, Wally. Come in. Sorry if my house is a little monotoned... The paintings are in the attic... just be careful with what you see." You said and they looked at you curiously.
They entered the house and you took them with you into the attic and closed your eyes as you turned on the lights, not wanting to see the disturbing images on the canvases. As soon as Eddie and Wally saw the paintings, Eddie nearly fainted and Wally seemed to have a strange fixation on them.

"So... Y/N? How come you make all these pieces of art, but you don't even look at them?" He asked and you looked at the floor. "When I look at them for too long... things tend to happen." You say and Wally takes the picture of a dying rainbow orchid and shows it to you. "Can you show me?" He asked and you sighed and looked at it, then took him to the forest where there was a single, rainbow orchid. Soon after, it started to break and it gushed out blood, spraying it everywhere. You started to cry. This happened every time... this was even how your parents died.

You felt a comforting hand on your back and you flinched at first before then calming down and crying like a baby. After it was done, you sniffled and went to the house again to clean yourself up.
They took the rest of the paintings and they had a bit of a bon fire and as the paintings were being burned, you could hear screams from the fire... like you were burning someone alive...Wally also decided to take a few of the paintings back to Home and did who knows what with them while Eddie stayed over at your house with you for the extra comfort and company.

You felt nice with all of those paintings gone, but you still felt heavy.

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