Sidney Prescott Proposing Headcanons

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- Sidney would ask Gale and Dewey to help her – knowing that she wouldn't be able to pull it off on her own. Finally comfortable letting her friends know where she was, she planned a trip to the beach. Which is where she first met you.

- She explained to them that she wanted everything to be perfect, and that they were the two people she trusted to help her the most. Plus they both equally loved you and you had even asked them if it were okay if you got closer with Sidney. Of course, they both agreed to and they got to planning.

- Sidney put together a picnic and because it was a nice day, she wanted to go swimming with you.

- Letting you know that both Dewey and Gale were going to be joining the two of you a bit later, you didn't think anything of it. Which, Sidney was very glad that you weren't suspicious. Usually was bad at hiding things – especially with you. She hated hiding things from you, but she was trying her best with this.

- As the day went on and the two of you enjoying the water, Sidney told you that Dewey and Gale should be there soon. You smiled, telling her that you were glad they were coming. You always loved hanging out with them, especially since they meant so much to your girlfriend.

- Once they arrived with the food, Sidney and you got out of the water. Sitting at the nearest picnic table, you smiled at Sidney.

- After everyone got done eating, Sidney stood up to take care of the trash and Gale followed her. Handing Sidney, the ring, Sidney took a deep breath and said that she was ready to do this.

- Pulling you away from the table, Sidney told you that she'd like to go for a walk – just the two of you.

- You of course said that you'd like that, taking her hand as she led you away from the picnic table.

- Finally making your way to the water, you hadn't realized that Gale and Dewey were slowly making their way to the two of you.

- Sidney got down on one knee, smiling up at you she said: "We met at this spot three years ago when my life wasn't the best. You have seen me at my worst, and you stayed. I love you and I would love to make you, my wife. Will you marry me?"

- You started to cry, nodding frantically as you tried to muster up the words. Finally, you were able to say. "Yes."

- Sideny stood up, putting the ring on your finger before kissing you on your lips. Gale smiled, coming up to give you a hug.

- "Did you two know about this?" you asked, looking at Gale as she pulled away from you.

- "Guilty."

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