Part 10

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Just another boring day in jungkook's life as he was sitting on the FIRST bench of the class. It was so irritating when MR. Ji-woon pin pointed at him and made him sit at the first bench.

Oh! How much he hated Mr. Ji-woon! He just liked to point at jungkook always. And today he, obviously, did the same thing. Now, jungkook was just fed up of everything.

He couldn't bully or even make fun of anyone anymore. Because he made a promise to KIM TAEHYUNG that he'll not bully anyone.

'What was I thinking that time? He must've even forgot about that little promise already, that little brat. ' Jungkook thought while his chin was between the palm of his hands.

Jungkook sighed, not concentrating at all on what that really kInD professor of his was teaching. He gazed at the clock and sighed for the 8453298th time.

There were still 20 minutes left for the lecture to end. The lecture had just began 15 minutes ago. And all of a sudden, a guard came in our class and whispered something in Mr. Ji-woon's ear and left.

Jungkook's eyes were tracing every movement of Mr. Ji-woon, as he moved towards the table and packed his stuff into his infamous tote bag that some say he used to bring since he was first in the college.

The students were confused and they were just talking, every single one was talking, except jungkook. All the noise stopped when Mr Ji-woon came to the front.

"Students quite down and listen to me. I actually have to go right now. I have some personal issues to solve and that would take a few days. I think it can take even months, so I'll not be coming that time. I think I've been quite tough on you all. And that's why I'm gonna allow you to do whatever you want when it's my class and I'm not there. But, of course, you can't do anything that creates
indiscipline in the premises of college. I'll be talking about this in the principal office. Now, you all are dismissed now. " Mr Ji-woon said and for once, Jungkook could say that he was grateful for the first time that he did something.

All the students moved out of the class, as well as Mr Ji-woon, but jungkook was still sitting there. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, scaring the sh*t out of him.

He abruptly looked behind and after seeing the person, he immediately placed a hand above his heart. It was Kim Taehyung. Smiling at him sweetly and controlling his laugh after just seeing the bully of the college, getting scared because of him. 

"What are you doing here tae? " Jungkook asked taehyung and finally got up with his bag's strap on his shoulder.

"What do you mean by 'what are you doing here tae' ? I was in this class from the start. " Taehyung answered and jungkook narrowed his eyes on him.

"What? " Taehyung said and gulped because jungkook was just staring at him so intensely that it was making taehyung shy.

Taehyung then started to move without letting jungkook answer to his question. Just as he reached the door, he was about to pull the knob of the door when jungkook came, held his wrist, turned him around and pinned him to the door.


It was so unreal. Jungkook pinned taehyung to the door and he couldn't even believe what they were doing right now. Taehyung wasn't even able to breathe because of the proximity. That's how close jungkook was to him.

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