Under control

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Damon sat there waiting for nine to finish her regulators, very worried of what would happen to her if she would get another head ache.
She played with her fingers nervously.
Her and Nine were just silent.
Sometimes Damon doesn't like to talk...but she hates silence.

"So umm...h-how long have you been uh...inventing?" She asked, playing with her thumbs.
She looked up at him, waiting for an answer.
He wasn't even looking at her.

"I've been for quite a while." He replied, multitasking with his metal tails.

Finally she was getting a conversation going.

"How long have you been here?" Nine asked, meaning how long she's been in this world.
"I-I don't know..." Damon fell silent for a second, looking away in thought.
"Last thing I could remember is waking up behind glass..." Damon had sudden flashbacks...



"In a room..." nine slowly turned his head towards her, getting slightly curious of her backstory.
When he first met her, he assumed since she was human she was working with the council.
When in reality...

Did they do something to her?

"Do you remember anything else?" Nine asked, encouraged to squeeze more information out of her.
"N-not. Really." Damon rubbed her arm.
"I was soar all over." Damon said, feeling tears trickling down her cheeks.
"Can we change the subject?" Damon asked.
Nine stared at her for a moment as she let her head hang down.

It was like he could feel her pain.
He's taken beatings before, but none like her's.

He looked back at the regulators.
Didn't take much time till they where complete.
"Well, you're regulators are done." He announced.
Causing Damon to look up at him.
He picked himself up with his metal tails, then let himself down to his feet.

"These should balance and control your overcharge so your eyes and brain won't bleed and die." Nine mentioned once more, Damon's eyes widening again.
"Hold up, you didn't say ANYTHING about my eyes bleeding!" She stated, but he ignored.
He didn't want to waist time, otherwise he'll be cleaning blood off his floors in any minute.

He gently grabbed her hand and rolled her sleeve up to reveal her metal ones.
Attaching one of the regulators on it, then on the other one.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you're connected to the shard energy," Nine says, as he uses his metal tails to attach the other two regulators to her shoes.

"But for now, you can't touch the crystal, cause my theory is it causes too much of an energy overload." He finished, grabbing what looked to be a color or a choker with a glowing blue light.

Damon looked at this, and immediately acted.
"Whoa whoa whoa, whoa...I ain't wearing a color!" Damon said, putting her hands up defense.

"Well you're gonna have to wear it."

"Uh uh, I'll look stupid." Damon crossed her arms.
"You are going to—" nine attempted to clip the choker on her, but she moved out of the way last minute.
Nine raised an eyebrow.
"Damon..." Nine said, sounding like a mother trying to feed a child their vegetables but yet getting irritated.

Nine made another attempt, but she moved again but a lot more quicker.
He made one last attempt, then she started running.
"Damon get back here!" He yelled after her, as he started running as well.
Damon turned back towards him, walking backwards as he slowed down.

"Damon, you're being ridiculous!" Nine exclaimed, starting to get annoyed.
"Hell no! I don't wanna look like a furry, I already been made fun of for so much and I ain't gonna get made fun of for that!" Damon yelped as she dodged a claw trying to grab her by the arm.

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