Chapter 6

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BunBun's POV ⚠️

Sleeping with Siri for the first time after a long time the other night was bittersweet. Mainly because I was a bunny and not my human self. I wasn't able to wake up with her in my arms like we used to do sometimes when I've snuck in and stayed over, but it was still nice to be able to cuddle her in some way.

I tried my best that night to stop her from getting more sad by licking and cuddling her. It broke me all over again hearing her say how hurt she was when she saw Hana and I together. I've never felt so guilty in my life.

And then I felt so sad when she asked how long she should wait for me... If I was in her position, I wouldn't know how long to wait either... Maybe 2 or 3 years?... I can't stand the thought of her with anyone else but if I'm not awake, I don't want her to miss out on falling in love again or having a family...

God, I hope I can wake up before some other guy manages to capture her heart.

Since that night, I've been making Siri have me sleep with her. I squeak and rattle the rabbit fence until she picks me up and takes me to bed with her and cuddles with me. And so far, I've managed to not poop in the bed yet.

Jimin came over to Siri's place after school the day after she and Taehyung had their talk. Taehyung obviously told him the truth and so Jimin came to apologise to Siri. He even cried saying how hard it was for him to see me in such a state. He said he regrets saying such horrible things to her and hoped she could forgive him.
I have no idea what he said to her but I know it must have hurt her as he knows just what to say to hurt a person. He's witty like that.

But my Siri, being the kind person she is, forgave him and they hugged it out while crying together. I was happy that she had my friends as her friends again.

One thing Jimin made a good point of saying; Hana needed to be dealt with for her conniving and manipulative actions. He told Siri he would figure something out to get back at her. Siri told him not to worry about it though as 'what's done is done' and that she knows he and Taehyung would tell me the truth if I wake up, so all will be ok in the end. But I know Jimin. I know he will get back at Hana for breaking us up. And if I'm honest... I hope he succeeds in making Hana hurt.

(9 weeks in a coma // 9 days as a bunny now)

I finally figured out how to get myself out of the house.

During the past week, Siri would allow me free roam in her bedroom and even around the house sometimes when she was in the lounge to watch some TV.

I came up with the idea that if she saw me getting into her handbag enough, she might think to take me out with her because I liked being in it so much- kinda like how some people go out with their small dog in a bag.

So that was my plan. I would hop into her handbag, school bag or any kind of bag I could get myself into. Being small has its perks and I could fit into almost any bag.

And now, Siri is finally taking me outside! It took a week of jumping into bags but it worked!

Siri actually asked me (well more like talked to herself since she didn't know I could understand) if I wanted to go out with her this weekend and said she could put me in her bag like what people do with their little dogs. My plan worked! Great minds think alike!

"Ok BunBun, since you love this handbag so much, we'll go with this one. But remember, you can't just hop out whenever you like. You have to try stay in there ok? I'll let you out when we're at a park so you can poop and eat grass to your heart's content- as long as you come back to me."

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