Chapter 12

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BunBun's POV ⚠️(coma around 5 months now // bunny for around 3 months)

Five days.

That's how long I've been staying at this vet clinic and been away from Siri. Five long, terrible days of missing my girl and worrying about her.

The day after I was admitted to the vet clinic, I let out a long weak cry when I saw Siri. I could smell dry blood on her. She self-harmed again and I wasn't there to try help her feel better or to stop her from doing it.

Not only that, but what made me really worried were her eyes. They weren't just blank, they were distant. They were empty and I could see right through her fake smile as it never reached her eyes.

She visited me each day though and came to give me some pets, but couldn't stay for too long as the vet staff wouldn't allow it. She also wasn't able to cuddle me properly as I had stitches in my belly and on my back. I didn't look as cute anymore either because they had to shave some of my fur in order to fix me up.

I know it had an effect on her mental health seeing me like this and not being able to get her oxytocin rush from cuddling me– and that made me worry even more.

I knew she was blaming herself for the dog incident because every time she looked at me, I saw pain, guilt and regret in her eyes. And each day, they just got sadder and emptier.

To make matters worse, Taehyung came to visit me a few times and told me what happened to human-me at the same time that I was attacked as a bunny. So now I also knew another reason for why she's slipped into her depressed mindset. It's because she was blaming herself for my accident. She still believes it was her fault I got hit by a car which led to me being in hospital, which then led to my cardiac arrest.

And the scary thing... it also meant that whatever happens to bunny-me, affects human-me. It seems that if I were to die as a bunny, then human-me might also die. Why else would human-me go into cardiac arrest while I was under attack by a dog? Unless it was just the high stress level of it all affecting human-me? Either way, it makes me doubt if I should die as a bunny now...

But Siri is in a really bad way right now and I don't know how to tell Taehyung so he can protect her and be there for her. I know he can sense something is off about her because he told me she seemed a bit different. Fuck, I wish I was back in my human body so I could tell him. Warn him to look out for her since I wouldn't be able to do much from the hospital bed even if I did wake up.

I probably wouldn't be able to walk straight away since my muscles have had no movement for a few months, and if I have any head injuries that's affected my cognitive abilities, we wouldn't know until after I wake up– IF I wake up...


Siri just picked me up from the vet clinic and is taking me back home. She did look a little cheerier but her smile still didn't reach her eyes. Maybe when I'm out of the cage and in her arms she'll feel better?...

When we got into her room, she took me carefully out of the cage and held me in her arms like I was a fragile newborn baby. Siri let out a sad sigh as she looked at my patchy fur and the stitches on my back. She turned me over and cradled me like a baby like she always does, but she pouted sorrowfully seeing the stitches on my belly.

"Look what I've done to you, BunBun..." She said regretfully as she lightly touched my stitches. I flattened my ears and felt bad for her since she was blaming herself.

Unfortunately, my tummy stitches were more sore than my back stitches and she hit a sore spot which made me let out a little squeak in pain. She gasped and instantly retracted her hand away saying 'sorry' to me.

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