Chapter 15 - Final

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Siri  POV -  Five years later... (Siri 23 years old now)

I was sitting by the tree at the special spot I had with Jungkook, thinking over the last few years that have gone by. That day I got those texts from Jimin, I continued on with my plan and left the country for my studies. I was afraid I would hurt myself if I didn't leave. Blame myself for what happened. 

I got myself better though. I did a lot of therapy and have come to terms with the fact that not everything is my fault. It's just life running its course, and sometimes, life is just unfair. I shouldn't be blaming myself unless it's something I've purposely done and knew what the consequences would be.

I'm in a much better place now. Three years of studying with therapy in between, a year of travelling and finding myself afterwards and waiting to see if the universe would let me love again. I came back home a year ago to settle down doing a job I love. I even became part of a family this past year.

But Jungkook was on my mind. Every. Single. Day.

"I hope you're doing ok wherever you are, Kookie. I miss you..." I said to the tree, looking at our engraved names. "I'll come visit again soon. I'll see you later in my dreams, yeah?"

I see him a lot in my dreams. Visions of our past and what I thought our future could look like if he were here...

I walked out of our special spot and went down to the playground where my little family was. The little boy was being spun around by his father, laughing and giggling with glee and it really warmed my heart. 

"Hey, you're back!  Thank god!  I need to pee. Can you take him please?"

"Of course"

"Ma-ma! Ap-pa!" The little boy said as he reached out for me. I smiled at him and took him in my arms.

"I hope you learn more words soon, Sweetie." I said to him and started spinning him in my arms, making him giggle again.

When I stopped spinning, something caught my eye. Well more like someone.

A man stood a distance away. He wore all black, was tall and lean, had black hair, a sharp jawline, and I could tell the guy had muscle. But what stood out the most– his dark doe eyes that were staring at me. Doe eyes that I would recognise anywhere.

My heart raced and stopped at the same time. I'm imagining this right?... He's really here?

The man just stood there and smiled at me. But his eyes were sad.

"Ma-ma!" The little boy in my arms said to me, making me take my eyes off the man in the distance for a second.

I looked back at where the man stood but he was no longer there anymore. Vanished.

I panicked and looked around but couldn't see him anywhere.

No, it wasn't my imagination!  I saw him.  I know it.

I ran with my little boy in my arms to where the man previously stood and looked around at where he could've gone. And then, a breeze passed through me and my eyes followed the leaves it carried. I then saw the back of the man, walking away from me in haste.

I ran after him like my life depended on it. Because he is my life. My reason for living.

"JUNGKOOK!" I yelled with my heart beating wildly and loudly against my chest.

But the man didn't stop. He didn't turn around. He just kept walking.

No, no, no!  I'm sure it's him.  I couldn't lose him.  Not again.

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