Chapter 10

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Siri  POV

"Guys! Let's wait here and see Hana's reaction when she opens her locker," Jimin said excitedly as his eyes sparkled and he had a big grin on his face.

He had pulled Taehyung and I to a corner in our school hallway so we could watch his devious and disgusting prank unfold. Hana had just arrived and we could see her walking towards her locker with anger– probably from what Jimin did to her car last night. He told us he keyed her car and slashed the tyres.

She had some of her minions following her too so it looks like they will also see the horrific sight.

(example of the kind of locker the school has)

JM: "Fuck I'm so excited to see the look on her face!" He was almost squealing with delight

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JM: "Fuck I'm so excited to see the look on her face!" He was almost squealing with delight.

We watched as Hana approached her locker and slowed down as she got closer to it. She grimaced and fanned her nose as she could obviously smell something bad in the vicinity. She hesitantly entered her code to unlock her locker, then she opened it...

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Hana's loud scream shocked everyone in the hallway that they all froze. Her face scrunched up in disgust even more and she covered her mouth as she was about to hurl. She turned to the side and ended up vomiting on one of her friends while the rest of them backed away with their hands swatting the air from the stench that must be Jimin's shit.

H: "WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!" Hana cried and whined to everyone watching in the hallway. "WHOEVER DID THIS, YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT!"

"Nah, I think whoever did this is trying to say you're a piece of shit!" Someone nearby shouted out to her, causing a few people to laugh at Hana.

JM: "Yes! This is so fucking brilliant!  So worth it!  I wish Kook was here to see this!"

V: "Don't worry! I got it all on camera!" Tae said with his big boxy smile.

JM: "Fuck yeah!  You're the man, Tae!"

V: "Nah, bro. You are! Look at her! She's crying and trying to not vomit some more."

JM: "Tae, go near her locker and try record what's in it." Jimin pushed Taehyung towards the commotion where he blended right in since quite a few people were taking photos and recording Hana's meltdown.

I had to hold in my laugh because as Tae got closer to her locker, his face went from amused, to a look that screamed 'something stinks' and he had to pinch his nose. He then appeared horrified once he saw what was inside the locker. He was so horrified, he moved his phone forward to get a better look. And then he had to cover his mouth as he looked like he was about to hurl as well.

He quickly came back to us with his phone in hand and took a deep breath which made Jimin and I laugh.

V: "I can't believe you did all that..." Tae's face only showed pure stunned horror.

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