Chapter 13

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BunBun's  POV ⚠️ (same day as previous chapter)

I was heartbroken.

I was numb.

I felt empty.

My first and only love is going to end her life today and I can't do anything to stop her.

I cried and squealed for a couple hours after she left, mourning her even though she isn't gone yet.

"Kook... Seriously, man. You're giving me a headache with the whining and squealing. What is wrong with you? It's not forever, Siri is coming back." Taehyung said as he came to sit on his bed while I was wallowing on one of his pillows.

Oh Tae... You don't know the truth of what she plans to do...

My ears flattened on my head and I shook my head no to tell him that wasn't true.

"Is there something else?"

I nodded and Taehyung looked confused, pouting his lips and furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to think of what I could mean.

Fuck I wish I could just tell him what's wrong.  I hate that I'm a bunny right now.  I want to be human again and be there for Siri properly.  I want back in my body, goddammit!  I need to save Siri!

The anger, fear, and stress inside me somehow gave me new motivation and determination. There's not a lot of time. I had to tell Taehyung about Siri and I needed him to stop her. But how??

All I could think of was to actually die as a bunny and hope I wake up as human-me straight away. Hope that I have enough functionality to contact Taehyung to tell him about Siri and our special spot.

There's a slim chance of this happening though... What if I don't wake up straight away or what if I end up killing both bunny-me and human-me? Do I risk it especially after what happened during the dog attack?

It's not like I could lead Taehyung to our spot either since I'm still a bit sore from the dog attack and we'd take too long to get there. By the time I lead him there it'll be too late.

My heart was racing and my mind was all over the place because I didn't know what to do. But I knew two things– I didn't want Siri to die and I had to save her. 

You know what?

Fuck it.

She's worth it.  I love her and she's worth everything.  Including my life.

If I end up killing both bunny-me and human-me, then maybe I'll meet Siri in the afterlife since she's planning on dying too– if there is an afterlife.

I just hope to God that small chance of waking up to my human body straight away will happen. I'm hoping my prayers to the universe will get through and they'll let me save Siri. That they'll let me save us.

I noticed the sun was getting lower in the sky and knew I had to leave now if I wanted even the slightest chance of saving her. The sooner the better. 

I squeaked to Taehyung to get his attention and I went to the corner edge of his bed looking at the window, then I got up on my back legs and moved my front paws up and down to show him I wanted to be over there.

"You want the window? Need some air to calm down?" 

Sure... Let's go with that... 

I nodded my head and Tae picked me up, taking me over to his window and placing me on the ledge. I squeaked at him and licked his hand as he petted me. I was trying to tell him thank you for everything if I don't make it back to my body.

I love you, man. You and Jimin. Thank you for what you've done for me and Siri, and thank you for being my friend all these years. If I don't see you guys again, just know you two are the bestest friends a guy could have.

"Don't know what you're saying but I'm guessing it's something nice if you're licking me?"

I internally smiled and then nodded at him. And then, with all the courage I could muster within me, I quickly hopped through the open window and jumped down onto the roof of the garage that was attached to his house.

"BunBun!  Kook!  What the fuck?!" I heard Taehyung say all panicked from his window.

I ignored his calls for me and continued hopping to the edge of the roof, then I jumped off, curling myself into a ball to limit the damage and pain from the impact to the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I heard Taehyung yell.

Luckily, the landing wasn't too bad and I looked back up to Taehyung's room and saw he looked shocked and scared. He then quickly left his window and I assumed he was coming to run after me.

Sorry Tae.  I gotta save my girl. 

With my bunny legs, I ran, bounced, and weaved through the bushes between the neighbours lawns. Passed a few streets already and was almost near the main road where I knew a lot of cars would be.

"KOOK!" I heard from behind me. I looked behind me quickly and saw Taehyung wasn't far from catching up to me.

With all my might, I ran as fast as I could till I finally reached the main road. There were quite a few cars coming up and so I waited until one was close enough for me to run in front of it.

"BunBun!  Kook!  Get back here!" I heard Tae yell for me again.

Now my heart was really racing as he was coming closer.

A car was approaching and I looked back at Tae one more time who was so close but so far away. I got up on my hind legs and used one of my paws to wave goodbye to him.

His face showed pure fear and confusion but I couldn't let that stop me. This was the only way to save her... at least, I hope it is...

I turned around and hopped onto the road, closing my eyes and thought of Siri for my final moments.

Please let this work.   Please take me back to my body so I can save Siri.



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