Fortunate Ben

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"Team Death P.A.C.T! Assemble or you will tremble!" Oh comes Four "Hmm. I think I'd rather tremble" Pie responded in her usual bored tone which seemingly annoyed Four "Nghh...then assemble...or you will...Mn-" "Be dismembled?" "Yeah! You'll be dismembled!" "Oh. Well, I don't have any limbs, so I wouldn't mind dismemberment." Black hole responded to Four's threat which only made him angrier and I'll admit it was entertaining seeing Four all ticked off "grrr.....Assemble!"


"Assemble or....-"


Before Tree could finish what he was gonna say he immediately got screeched by Four and fell right by my feet "Tree you ok?" I said to him but he was really knocked out by that screech...maybe I should try comforting pats.

I patted Tree on his face three times but he wouldn't budge. "Hey O/N" "Pillow what are you doing?" "Try doing this instead." Pillow made a fist and slammed it down on Tree's face causing him to spring up from the grass. "Gahh! What the trunk?!" Tree looked at me and...wait where did Pillow go? "Hey umm...welcome back?" Tree stared at me with a weird look I couldn't really tell what he was thinking "Thanks I guess...." Tree thanked me even though I wasn't the one who woke him up. "ASSEMBLE!!!" Oh shoot! I almost forgot.


Well here I first ever "Cake at Stake" I just hope it's not my last, I quietly took my seat right next to Pen and Liy. "Deathers. This blasphemous abomination of a drawing has lead you here today." Four said as he held up Pen's drawing from last challenge. "Is it really that bad?" I questioned "Yeah! I drew that! Be nice." Pen responded by crossing his arms. "Pen." Four said very menacingly...uh oh


"You are a disgrace to the entire art community, and the entire world would rejoice if you never touched a piece of paper again ever!!!!"...Well ouch

Pen's body recoiled from the insult, I mean who wouldn't after that, especially from X of all people "I-I'd rather take the screech!" "Pen why did you say that..." "Huh-?"


Yeah I've been there

"Let's pick up the pace. How many votes?" "20,389! Each of the seven safe contests will receive a fortune cookie." Aww man no cake this time? "The contestant with the most votes goes away!" "Well as long as elimination doesn't mean dying, then we're still successful preventing death." After bottle said that I immediately knew what was going to happen "oh noio!-[pop]" "And bubble is dead!" We know bottle. We know.

"Pen. You received the fewest votes!" Pen got 1,093 votes "You're the first lowest-voted person whose name doesn't start with a B" X pointed out and now that he mentions it that's actually true. "Wait you don't know? My legal name is actually...🅱️en" Pen said while pulling out a paper that stated that 🅱️en was his legal name. Wait since when did we have legal names?...Then what's my legal name?

"What's your fortune, 🅱️en?" Pen broke his fortune cookie and began to read it "One should only hope that life will be full happiness brought by...Ice Cube?" Ice Cube? Ok then? "🅱️en, that sure is a weird fortune, 🅱️en."

"Pillow can also sleep easy tonight!" Pillow revived 1,300 votes probably because of her "sacrifice" last challenge "Go Icy. Your my idol? Hmm that's odd." "You're odd" "Hey!" Another fortune about Ice Cube? What's going on here?

"Tree-mote! Also safe." Four said while combining both of Tree's and Remotes names together, to be honest it sounded pretty weird. "Ice cube is the best thing to ever grace this universe?" That's not true! It's batteries!" Ok I'm seeing a pattern here

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