Gardening Zero

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"Yeah something is definitely gonna go wrong." I said while looking up at Pillow, Cake, Nickel and Book who were at the top of the rollercoaster. "Uhh O/N? What are you doing?" Naily and Bomby were watching behind me. "Shush." I put a hand over Naily's mouth and continued to watch. "He HE! Time for some fun!" Yellow Face sat down on the rollercoaster and began riding it up. He's gonna hit them all isn't he.

"No but seriously what are you doing?" It was now Bomby's turn to speak. "Just...watching. When you're a former Death P.A.C.T member you have keen sense for this kind of stuff." "Ok that's true...but why don't you just maybe take a break from that stuff. It's a beautiful morning-"


I turned back around and saw Nickel flying off in the distance. I then looked at my watch. ..........wait I don't have a watch. "I think that only took 18 seconds. That's a new record!" I said to myself putting my hands at my side. Bomby and Naily exchanged glances.

"Are you sure you're a former Death P.A.C.T member?" Naily questioned. "Yes. Yes I am." Bomby and Naily looked unconvinced. "Ok well maaaayybe I've outgrown the whole death prevention thing. No matter what death just seems inevitable nowadays. I still loved my former team but their whole goal feels...pointless" "Like I said before. Life is cheap." Bomby said while crossing his arms.


Like sudden deja vu someone else got hit by the rollercoaster. It was Cake this time. "Woah. I can't even see him anymore!" Only Book and Pillow remained now. "Hehe. Ok this is pretty entertaining!" Bomby chuckled and watched the chaos unfold with me and Naily.


I didn't bother watching the elimination this time. I learned later that Saw and Cloudy were eliminated. But the thought of two teams being up for elimination is frightening. Even if we don't end up in last place we can still possibly be eliminated.

Then I came to a stop. There was something in front of me. A small little plant. Pink petals and a nice white center. "Pretty." I reached my hand toward it. This will be a nice gift for Tree-

"HALT! HALT! HALT!" Coiny came out of nowhere and yelled in my face knocking me onto the ground! "Hey what's the big idea!" A yelled back at Coiny. "This little funny plant is a memorial for our fallen teammate, Saw. Do not touch it!" Barf Bag pointed at the plant. "Oh o-ok..." I quietly said. DANG IT!

"AAAAA!" Cake suddenly flew out of nowhere and knocked Barf Bag over, spilling some of her vomit onto the plant. I looked to my side and saw Cake who was face planted on the ground. "Oh there you are Cake!" "Hi..." He weakly replied.

"Teehee. Chase the gum!" A bubble made of bubblegum then floated toward the plant and popped getting gum all over it. "Teehee, gum bubble! Here I come!" Bottle came running over but accidentally tripping over Gaty and spilling the water inside of her onto the plant and causing it to disintegrate.

Wait how does water kill a plant?!

"No! My soggy burrito concoction!" "NO! My friend Saw!" "She isn't dead y'know? She's only eliminated." "Oh, yeah. No big deal, then."

"Yes big deal! That was the last specimen of the 'Funny Plant' alive on this planet! Now that we've made the species go extinct, we've ruined the biodiversity of Goiky!" Oh...wait that's bad actually.

"No need to worry Fanny! There are actually 7 specimens of the funny plants alive now in different biomes across the universe. Unfortunately, they're all down to their last life! So they desperately need protection, which is why today's challenge is to pick a biome out of a hat and then protect that biome's funny plant!" Everyone proceed to grab a biomes out of the hat.

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